"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike,Shinjiro Kanae","Cloud water content estimation over land and its validation using A-train satellites","AGU Fall Meeting 2020",,"AGU",,,,2020,Dec.
"Rie Seto,Kentaro Aida,Toshio Koike,Shinjiro Kanae","How much is the accuracy of land emissivity representation necessary for adequate cloud water content estimation over land using satellite-based passive microwave remote sensing?",,,,,,,2020,July
"Rie Seto,Toshio KOIKE,Shinjiro Kanae","Estimation and assimilation of cloud water content over land and its verification using satellite-based passive and active microwave observations","8th International EarthCARE science workshop",,,,,,2019,Nov.
"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike,Shinjiro Kanae","Representing Cloud Water Content of Extensive Cloud Systems Over Land Using Satellite‐Based Passive Microwave Observations With a Coupled Land and Atmosphere Assimilation Method",,"Journal of Geophisical Research : Atmospheres","American Geophysical Union",,,,2018,Dec.
"瀬戸里枝,小池俊雄,鼎信次郎","衛星搭載マイクロ波放射計を用いた陸域雲水量の推定手法の提案","第63回水工学講演会","土木学会論文集B1(水工学)","土木学会水工学委員会"," 74"," 5","p. 1219-1224",2018,Nov.
"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike","Heavy rain prediction applying satellite-based cloud data assimilation over land","HYDROLOGY DELIVERS EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES TO SOCIETY 4",,,,,,2017,May
"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike","Heavy rain prediction applying satellite-based cloud data assimilation over land","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May
"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike,Mohamed Rasmy","Heavy rainfall prediction applying satellite-based cloud data assimilation over land",,"J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.",," 121",," 9737-9755",2016,Aug.
"Yohei Sawada,Hiroyuki Tsutsui,Mohamed Rasmy,Hideyuki Fujii,Yohei Sawada,Hiroyuki Tsutsui,Toshio Koike,Mohamed Rasmy,Rie Seto,Hideyuki Fujii","A Field Verification of an Algorithm for Retrieving Vegetation Water Content from Passive Microwave Observations",,"IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 2082 - 2095",2015,Nov.
"瀬戸里枝,小池俊雄,Mohamed RASMY","WRFを結合した陸面・雲の衛星データ同化システムの開発と関東域への適用",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 70","No. 4","p. I535-I540",2014,Feb.
"Rie Seto,Toshio Koike,Mohamed Rasmy","Analysis of the vertical structure of the atmospheric heating process and its seasonal variation over the Tibetan Plateau using a land data assimilation system",,"ournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres",," 118",," 12403-12421",2013,Nov.
"瀬戸里枝,小池俊雄,Mohamed RASMY","数値気象モデルWRFを結合した衛星陸面データ同化システムの開発",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 69","No. 4","p. I1789-I1794",2013,Feb.
"瀬戸里枝,小池俊雄,Mohamed RASMY","陸面データ同化を用いたチベット高原での対流の挙動と大気加熱プロセスに関する研究",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 67","No. 4","p. I319-I324",2010,Feb.