"Wael M Elsadek,Mohamed Wahba,Nassir Al-Arifi,Shinjiro Kanae,Mustafa El-Rawy","Scrutinizing the performance of GIS-based analytical Hierarchical process approach and frequency ratio model in flood prediction?Case study of Kakegawa, Japan",,"Ain Shams Engineering Journal","Elsevier","Volume 15","Issue 2"," 102453",2024,Feb. "Mohamed Wahba,Mahmoud Sharaan,Wael M Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,H Shokry Hassan","Building information modeling integrated with environmental flood hazard to assess the building vulnerability to flash floods",,"Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment","Springer Berlin Heidelberg",,," 1-21",2024,Jan. "Mohamed Wahba,Mahmoud Sharaan,Wael M Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,H Shokry Hassan","Categorization of Urban Basin According to the Runoff Depth: Case Study of Katsushika Ward and Edogawa City Basin, Japan","2022 7th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD2022)","Environment and Sustainable Development",,,,"pp. 131-142",2023,Nov. "Mohamed Wahba,H Shokry Hassan,Wael M Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,Mahmoud Sharaan","Novel utilization of simulated runoff as causative parameter to predict the hazard of flash floods",,"Environmental Earth Sciences","Springer Berlin Heidelberg","Volume 82","number 333(2023)",,2023,June "Mohamed Wahba,H Shokry Hassan,Wael M Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,Mahmoud Sharaan","PREDICTION OF FLOOD SUSCEPTIBILITY USING FREQUENCY RATIO METHOD: A CASE STUDY OF FIFTH DISTRICT, EGYPT","14th of the International Conference on Hydroscience & EngineeringiICHE2022)",,,,,,2022,May "Mohamed Wahba,Mahmoud Sharaan,Wael Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,H Shokry","Anticipation of Flood Susceptibility in Urbanized Regions Using Machine Learning Technique: Case Study of New Cairo City, Egypt",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Mohamed Wahba,Hatem Mahmoud,Wael M Elsadek,Shinjiro Kanae,H Shokry Hassan","Alleviation approach for flash flood risk reduction in urban dwellings: A case study of Fifth District, Egypt",,"Urban Climate","Elsevier","Volume 42",,,2022,Mar. "Wael M. Elsadek,Mona Gamal Eldin Ibrahim,Wael Elham M. S. Mahmod,Shinjiro Kanae","Developing an overall assessment map for flood hazard on large area watershed using multi-method approach: case study of Wadi Qena watershed, Egypt",,"Natural Hazards","Springer Netherlands"," 95"," 3"," 739-767",2019,Feb.