"Junhong Yu,Yadong Han,Hang Zhang,Oleg V. Misochko,Kazutaka Nakamura,Jianbo Hu","Attosecond-Resolved Coherent Control of Lattice Vibrations in Thermoelectric SnSe",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 13",," 2584-2590",2022,Mar. "Yadon Han,Junhong Yu,Hang Zhang,Fang Xu,Kunlin Peng,Xiaoyuan Zhou,Liang Qiao,Oleg Misochko,Kazutaka Nakamura,Giovanni Vanacore,Jianbo Hu","Photoinduced ultrafast symmetry switch in SnSe",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 13",," 442-448",2022,Jan. "JIANBO Hu,Hang Zhang,Yi Sun,Oleg Misochko,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA","Temperature effect on the coupling between coherent longitudinal phonons and plasmons in n-type and p-type GaAs",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 97",," 1653037",2018,Apr.