"Eric Schneider,Edvinsson,Kota Ogasawara","Smallpox and Stillbirths in Sweden, 1750-1850","European Society of Historical Demography 2022","European Society of Historical Demography 2022",,,,"p. 12",2022,Mar. "Eric Schneider,Kota Ogasawara,Tim Cole","Health shocks, recovery, and the first thousand days: The effect of the Second World War on height growth in Japanese children",,"Population and Development Review","Wiley","vol. 47","issue 4","pp. 1075-1105",2021,Dec. "Eric Schneider,Kota Ogasawara,Tim Cole","The effect of the Second World War on the growth pattern of height in Japanese children: Catch-up growth, critical windows and the first thousand days",,"CEPR Discussion Papers",,,,,2020,May "Kota Ogasawara,Eric Schneider,Ian Gazeley","Nutrition, crowding, and disease among low]income households in Tokyo in 1930",,"Australian Economic History Review","Wiley","vol. 60","no. 1","pp. 73-104",2020,Mar. "Eric Schneider,Kota Ogasawara","Disease and child growth in industrialising Japan: Critical windows and the growth pattern, 1917-39",,"Explorations in Economic History","Elsevier","vol. 69",,"pp. 64-80",2018,July