"Teruhisa Komatsu,Shuji Sasa,Shuhei Sawayama,Hiroki Murata,Shigeru Montani,Osamu Nishimura,Takashi SAKAMAKI,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Tetsuo Yanagi","Management of Aquaculture and Marine Environment in an Open-Type Inner Bay Through the Satoumi Approach: The Case of Shizugawa Bay",,"Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes","Springer, Cham",,,"pp. 393-407",2020,June "Teruhisa Komatsu,Shuji Sasa,Shigeru Montani,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Masafumi Natsuike,Osamu Nishimura,Takashi SAKAMAKI,Tetsuo Yanagi","Satoumi practice and sciences support sustainable use of a rias-type bay in southern Sanriku Coast after the huge tsunami 2011","The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas","Abstrects of The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas",,,,"p. 34",2018,Nov. "Teruhisa Komatsu,Shuji Sasa,Shigeru Montani,Osamu Nishimur,Takashi Sakamaki,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Tetsuo Yanagi","SATOUMI APPROACH FOR REALIZING SUSTAINABLE COASTAL USE IN A RIAS-TYPE BAY: A CASE OF SHIZUGAWA BAY IN SANRIKU COAST HIT BY THE HUGE TSUNAMI ON 11 MARCH 2011","EMECS 11-Sea Coasts XXVI. Joint conference. Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world",,,,,"Page 11-11",2016,