"Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Real-time trajectory generation for dual-stage feed drive systems",,"CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 317-320",2023,Apr. "Tajima, S.,Sencer, B.,Yoshioka, H.","Real-time interpolation of complex machining toolpaths with drive limits and vibration avoidance","The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering","Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering",,,,,2022,Nov. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Real-Time Command Generator for Dual-Stage Processing Machine","The 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer,Hayato Yoshioka","Trajectory Generation for Dual-Drive Servo Systems for Laser Processing with Local Corner Smoothing","2022 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2022)",,,,,,2022,July "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Online interpolation of 5-axis machining toolpaths with global blending",,"International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture","Elsevier","Volume 175",,,2022,Feb. "Tajima, S.,Sencer, B.,Yoshioka, H.","Kinematic smoothing for singularity avoidance in 5-axis machining","18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2020)","Proceedings of ICPE2020",,,,"pp. C-1-9",2020,Nov. "Tajima, S.,Sencer, B.,Yoshioka, H.,Shinno, H.","Smooth path blending for 5-axis machining","JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing (LEMP2020)","Proceedings of JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing (LEMP2020)",,,,,2020,June "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Real-time trajectory generation for 5-axis machine tools with singularity avoidance",,"CIRP Annals",,"vol. 69",,"pp. 349-352",2020,May "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Real]time Interpolation of 5]axis Tool]paths with Accurate Local Corner Smoothing","8th International Conference on Virtual Machining",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","KINEMATIC LOCAL CORNER SMOOTHING OF 5-AXIS LINEAR TOOL-PATHS","2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flexible Automation","The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers","Vol. 2018",,"pp. 217-224",2018,July "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer,Eiji Shamoto","Accurate interpolation of machining tool-paths based on FIR filtering",,"Precision Engineering",,"Volume 52",,"Page 332-344",2018,Apr. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Global tool-path smoothing for CNC machine tools with uninterrupted acceleration",,"International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture",,"Volume 121",,"Page 81-95",2017,Oct. "Burak Sencer,Shingo Tajima","Frequency Optimal Feed Motion Planning in Computer Numerical Controlled Machine Tools for Vibration Avoidance",,"Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering",,"Volume 139"," 1",,2017,Jan. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Jerk Limited High Speed Cornering for CNC Machines with Controlled Contour Error","The 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering","Proceedings of the ICPE, 2016",,,,,2016,Nov. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","Uninterrupted Interpolation Of Short-Segmented Linear Tool-Paths Based On Jerk Limited Kinematic Corner Smoothing","31st ASPE Annual Meetings","Proceedings of the ASPE Annual Meetings",,,,,2016,Oct. "Tajima, S.,Sencer, B.","Kinematic corner smoothing for high speed machine tools",,"International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture",,"Volume 108",,"Page 27-43",2016,Sept. "Shingo Tajima,Burak Sencer","SMOOTH CORNERING STRATEGY FOR HIGH SPEED CNC MACHINE TOOLS WITH CONFINED CONTOUR ERROR","ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2016)","Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2016","American Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2016,June