"Kim Schumacher","Carbon Bubble ? Analyses, economic risks, measures and instruments",,,"German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)",,,,2021,July "Kim SCHUMACHER,Yong Jun BAEK,Shigeo NISHIKIZAWA","Exogenous Data Disclosure Probability and ESG Data Risk Factor for the Sustainable Finance Sector and Green Finance Products",,,,,,,2021,Feb. "シューマッハキム","日本のサステナブルファイナンス・セクター拡充に向けた方策",,"野村サステナビリティクォータリー","野村資本市場研究所","Vol. 1","No. 2 (Summer)",,2020,Sept. "Kim Schumacher","Green investments need global standards and independent scientific review",,"Nature","Nature Research (Publishing)","Vol. 584","No. 7822","p. 524",2020,Aug. "Kim Schumacher","The Shape of Green Fixed Income Investing to Come",,"The Journal of Environmental Investing","Journal for Environmental Investing","Vol. 10","No. 1",,2020,July "Xiaoyan Zhou,Ben Caldecott,Elizabeth Harnett,Kim Schumacher","The Effect of Firm-level ESG Practices on Macroeconomic Performance",,,"University of Oxford",,,,2020,June "Kim Schumacher,Hugues Chenet,Ulrich Volz","Sustainable Finance in Japan",,"Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment","Taylor & Francis Publishing","Vol. 10","No. 2","pp. 213-246",2020,Mar. "Kim Schumacher","‘Competence greenwashing’ could be the next risk for the ESG industry",,"Responsible Investor","Response Global Media Limited",,,,2020,Feb. "Kim Schumacher","Japan is catching up slowly",,"Germanwatch Blog","Germanwatch",,,,2020, "Kim Schumacher,Hugues Chenet,Ulrich Volz","Sustainable Finance in Japan",", Green Infrastructure Development in Asia Conference: Investment, Financing and Economic Impacts",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Kim Schumacher","A new economic paradigm: The vital influence of environmental impact assessment frameworks on the sustainable finance sector",,"IEMA Transform Magazine","Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment",,,,2019,Nov. "Xiaoyan Zhou,Kim Schumacher,Elizabeth Harnett,Ben Caldecott","The effect of micro-ESG development on macro-economic performance","2nd Annual Global Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment Conference",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Kim Schumacher","Approval Procedures for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Installations: Comparison of National Legal Frameworks in Japan, New Zealand, the EU and US",,"Energy Policy","Elsevier","Vol. 129",,"pp. 139-152",2019,June "Kim Schumacher","Environmental Approval Regulations: Why investors should take note - A legal ruling in Germany could set a precedent that accelerates European coal divestment",,,"Environmental Finance",,,,2018,Dec. "Kim Schumacher,Zhuoxiang Yang","The Determinants of Wind Energy Growth in the United States: Drivers and Barriers to State-Level Development",,"Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews","Elsevier","Vol. 97",,"pp. 1-13",2018,Dec. "Ben Caldecott,Gerard Dericks,Geraldine Bouveret,Kim Schumacher,Alexander Pfeiffer,Daniel J. Tulloch,Lucas Kruitwagen,Matthew McCarten","Asset-level data and the Energy Transition: Findings from ET Risk Work Package 2",,"Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme","University of Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment",,,,2018,Apr. "Kim Schumacher","Large-scale Renewable Energy Project Barriers: Environmental Impact Assessment Streamlining Efforts in Japan and the EU",,"Environmental Impact Assessment Review","Elsevier","Vol. 65",,"pp. 100-110",2017,July "Kim Schumacher","Comparative Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures in Japan and New Zealand",,"The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice","Common Ground Publishing","Vol. 11","No. 2","pp. 11-21",2015,May