"Chih-Hao Lu,Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su,Ito K,Kurokawa Y,Iwasaki H,Chi P,Hung-Wen Li.","Swi5-Sfr1 stimulates Rad51 recombinase filament assembly by modulating Rad51 dissociation.",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su,Kentaro Ito,Yumiko Kurokawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hung-Wen Li,Chih-Hao Lu,Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su","Swi5-Sfr1 stimulates Rad51 recombinase filament assembly by modulating Rad51 dissociation",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","National Academy of Sciences","Vol. 115","No. 43","pp. E10059-E10068",2018,Oct.