"Mohamed E. Abdalazeem,Hassan Hamdy,takashi asawa,Hatem Mahmoud","Impact of windbreak design on microclimate in hot regions during cold waves: Numerical investigation",,"International Journal of Biometeorology",,,," 1-12",2024,May "Mohamed E.Abdalazeem,Hamdy Hassan,Takashi Asawa,HatemMahmoud","Review on integrated photovoltaic-green roof solutions on urban and energy-efficient buildings in hot climate",,"Sustainable Cities and Societies",,"Vol. 82",,"p. 103919",2022,July "Hesham Khalil,Takushi Saito,Hamdy Hassan","Comparative study of heat pipes and liquid-cooling systems with thermoelectric generators for heat recovery from chimneys",,"International Journal of Energy Research",,,,,2021,Sept. "Mohamed S.Yousef,Hassan Hamdy,Satoshi Kodama,HIDETOSHI SEKIGUCHI","An experimental study on the performance of single slope solar still integrated with a PCM-based pin-finned heat sink",,"Energy Procedia",,"Vol. 156",," 100-104",2019,Jan. "Mohamed S.Yousef,Hassan Hamdy,HIDETOSHI SEKIGUCHI","Energy, exergy, economic and enviroeconomic (4E) analyses of solar distillation system using different absorbing materials",,"Applied Thermal Engineering",," 150",," 30-41",2019,Jan. "Mohamed S.Yousef,Hassan Hamdy,Satoshi Kodama,HIDETOSHI SEKIGUCHI","An experimental study on the performance of single slope solar still integrated with a PCM-based pin-finned heat sink","5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2018)",,,,,,2018,Sept.