"服部 祥平,Lin Mang,竹内 望,藤田 耕史,Caillon Nicolas,Akers Pete,Aizen Vladimir,Nikitin Stanislav,吉田 尚弘,Savarino Joel","アルタイ山脈ベルーハ氷河コアから復元する過去100 年の硝酸同位体組成変動","2019年度 日本地球化学会第66回年会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Kun Wang,Shohei Hattori,Shichang Kang,Mang Lin,Naohiro Yoshida","Isotopic constrains on sources and formation pathways of atmospheric nitrate in Mt. Everest",,,,,,,2019,May "Naizhong Zhang,Mang Lin,keita Yamada,Akihiro Kano,Qi Liu,Naohiro Yoshida,Ryo Matsumoto","The effect of H2O2 treatment on stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ18O and Δ47) of various carbonate minerals",,"Chemical geology",,,,,2019,May "Mang Lin,Shohei Hattori,Nozomi Suzuki,Shichang Kang,Naohiro Yoshida","Determination of δ18O, Δ17O, and δ15N in atmospheric nitrates: First steps towards a deeper understanding of the nitrogen cycle over the Tibetan Plateau.","2018 joint 14th iCACGP QS/15th IGAC SC",,,,,,2018,Sept.