"Toshiyuki Hattori,Kazuo Yamamoto,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Hirotsugu Kashiwagi,Yasuyuki Takahashi,Toshiki Hata,Shinichi Okada,Tomoya Sugita,Manabu Aoki,Masahiro Okamura,Satoru Yamada,E. Osvath,D. Dudu,I. Vata","A study of a test APF-IH type linac as an injector for cancer therapy",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms",,"Vol. 188",,"pp. 221-224",2002,Apr. "Hirotsugu Kashiwagi,Toshiyuki Hattori,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Masahiro Okamura,Yasuyuki Takahashi,Toshiki Hata,Kazuo Yamamoto,Shinichi Okada,Tomoya Sugita","Study of a four hole ECR ion source for HIF injector",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms",,"Vol. 188",,"pp. 225-228",2002,Apr.