"中里 仁,丸田 一輝,タン ザカン,大久保 直哉,阪口 啓","[依頼講演]複数分野の相互連携によるBeyond 5G Open RANプラットフォーム","電子情報通信学会2024年移動通信ワークショップ",,,,,,2024,Mar. "松本 啓吾,森 智香,井上 文彰,原 祐子,丸田 一輝,中山 悠,篠原 義典,池田 博樹,久野 大介","Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding 方式とローカル5G システムの接続検証","コミュニケーションシステム研究会",,,,,,2024,Jan. "Keigo Matsumoto,Yoshiaki Inoue,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Kazuki Maruta,Yu Nakayama,Yoshinori Shinohara,Hiroki Ikeda,Daisuke Hisano","Implementation of Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding on 5G Systems for Image Transmission","IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Fall",,,,,,2023,Oct. "山本 龍之介,松本 啓吾,井上 文彰,原 祐子,丸田 一輝,中山 悠,久野 大介","5Gセルラー通信に応用可能な情報源通信路深層結合符号化における学習モデルの影響評価","IEICE2023年ソサイエティ大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yuya Tajima,Takefumi Hiraguri,Takahiro Matsuda,Tetsuro Imai,Jiro Hirokawa,Hiroyuki Shimizu,Tomotaka Kimura,Kazuki Maruta","Analysis of Wind Effect on Drone Relay Communications",,"Drones",,,,,2023,Mar. "Keigo Matsumoto,Yoshiaki Inoue,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Kazuki Maruta,Yu Nakayama,Daisuke Hisano","Impact of Quantization Noise on CNN-based Joint Source-Channel Coding and Modulation","IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference",,,,,,2023,Jan. "Shohei Fujimaki,Yoshiaki Inoue,Daisuke Hisano,Kazuki Maruta,Yu Nakayama,Yuko Hara-Azumi","A Self-Attention Network for Deep JSCCM: The Design and FPGA Implementation","IEEE Global Communications Conference",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Kazuki Maruta,Hiroaki Nishiuchi,Jin Nakazato,Gia Khanh Tran,Kei Sakaguchi","5G/B5G mmWave Cellular Networks with MEC Prefetching Based on User Context Information",,"MPDI Sensors",,,,,2022,Sept. "Jin Nakazato,Zongdian Li,Kazuki Maruta,Keiichi Kubota,Tao Yu,Gia Khanh Tran,Kei Sakaguchi,Soh Masuko","MEC/Cloud Orchestrator to Facilitate Private/Local Beyond 5G with MEC and Proof-of-Concept Implementation",,"MPDI Sensors",,"Vol. 22","No. 14",,2022,July "Erina Takeshita,Asahi Sakaguchi,Daisuke Hisano,Yoshiaki Inoue,Kazuki Maruta,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Yu Nakayama","Stochastic Image Transmission with CoAP for Extreme Environments","IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) Workshop on ICA",,,,,,2022,June "Ayano Higuchi,Erina Takeshita,Daisuke Hisano,Yoshiaki Inoue,Kazuki Maruta,Takayuki Nishio,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Yu Nakayama","Aquatic Fronthaul for Underwater-Ground Communication in 6G Mobile Communications",,,,,,,2022,June "Yue Yin,Tao Yu,Kazuki Maruta,Kei Sakaguchi","Distributed and Scalable Radio Resource Management for mmWave V2V Relays towards Safe Automated Driving","IEICE Technical Report",,,"vol. 121","no. 139","pp. 229-234",2022,Mar. "Yoshiaki Inoue,Daisuke Hisano,Kazuki Maruta,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Yu Nakayama","Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding and Modulation for Underwater Acoustic Communication","IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Yue Yin,Tao Yu,Kazuki Maruta,Kei Sakaguchi","Distributed and Scalable Radio Resource Management for mmWave V2V Relays towards Safe Automated Driving",,"MDPI Sensors",," 22","no. 1"," 93",2021,Dec. "Kosuke Suzuoki,Daisuke Hisano,Kazuki Maruta,Yoshiaki Inoue,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Yu Nakayama","Space-Time-Domain Adaptive Equalizer Employed Successive Interference Cancellation for Underwater Acoustic Communication",,"IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Fall",,,,,2021,Oct. "丸田 一輝,中山 悠,久野 大介,井上 文彰,原 祐子","超高遅延・ロス環境における画像内価値に基づくブロック確率転送","IEICE2021年ソサイエティ大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "井上 文彰,久野 大介,丸田 一輝,原 祐子,中山 悠","深層学習に基づく一括符号化変調を用いた水中音響画像伝送","IEICE2021年ソサイエティ大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "鈴置 皓介,久野 大介,丸田 一輝,井上 文彰,原 祐子,中山悠","逐次干渉除去を用いた時空間適応等化器の水中音響通信への応用","IEICE2021年ソサイエティ大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "坂口 朝陽,丸田 一輝,井上 文彰,中原 睦貴,久野 大介,原 祐子,中山 悠","超高遅延・ロス環境での遠隔物体検出のための確率的画像転送法","第20回情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Jin Nakazato,Makoto Nakamura,Tao Yu,Zongdian Li,Kazuki Maruta,Gia Khanh Tran,Kei Sakaguchi","Market Analysis of MEC-Assisted Beyond 5G Ecosystem",,"IEEE Access",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 53996-54008",2021,Apr. "中里仁,李宗典,丸田一輝,阪口啓","プライベート通信事業者とクラウド事業者を考慮した通信・計算リソースの導入モデルの構築","RCS SR SRW",,"信学技報","vol. IEICE-120","no. 404","pp. 55-60",2021,Mar. "K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn","Multi Modulus Signal Adaptation for Semi-Blind Uplink Interference Suppression on Multicell Massive MIMO Systems",,"IEICE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. E104-B","No. 2",,2021,Feb. "Y. Nakayama,D. Hisano,K. Maruta,Kazuki Maruta","Adaptive C-RAN Architecture with Moving Nodes Towards Beyond 5G Era",,"IEEE Network",,"Vol. 34","No. 4",,2020,July "Y. Nakayama,K. Maruta,Kazuki Maruta","Age of Information based Host Selection for Mobile User Provided Networks",,"IEEE Internet of Things Journal",,,,,2020,July "Yu Nakayama,Yuko Hara-Azumi,Anh Hoang Ngoc Nguyen,Daisuke Hisano,Yoshiaki Inoue,Takayuki Nishio,Kazuki Maruta","Real-Time Routing for Wireless Relay Fronthaul with Vehicle-Mounted Radio Units","IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Spring",,,,,,2020,May "Y. Nakayama,T. Nishio,D. Hisano,K. Maruta,Kazuki Maruta","Small Cells Enabled by Crowdsourced Radio Units Mounted on Parked Vehicles for Smart City,",,"IEEE Access",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 17986-17998",2020,Jan. "K. Maruta,Kazuki Maruta","Frequency Domain Backoff for Continuous Beamforming Space Division Multiple Access on Massive MIMO Wireless Backhaul Systems",,"Journal of Communications Software and Systems",,"Vol. 16","No. 1",,2020,Jan. "S. Kojima,K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn,Kazuki Maruta","Adaptive Modulation and Coding using Neural Network based SNR Estimation",,"IEEE Access",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 183545-183553",2019,Dec. "K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn,Kazuki Maruta","Stabilised Blind Interference Suppression of Constant Modulus-based Adaptive Array over Rayleigh Fading Channels by Initial Antenna Selection",,"IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation",,"Vol. 13","No. 11","pp. 1876-1882",2019,Sept. "K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn","Improving Semi-Blind Uplink Interference Suppression on Multicell Massive MIMO Systems: A Beamspace Approach",,"IEICE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. E102-B","No. 8","pp. 1503-1511",2019,Aug. "S. Kojima,K. Watanabe,K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn,Kazuki Maruta","Joint Adaptive Modulation and Transmit Power Control on Frequency Symbol Spreading OFDM Mobile Relay System",,"Journal of Signal Processing",,"Vol. 23","No. 3","pp. 83-93",2019,May "K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn","Uplink Interference Suppression by Semi-Blind Adaptive Array With Decision Feedback Channel Estimation on Multicell Massive MIMO Systems",,"IEEE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. 66","No. 12","pp. 6123-6134",2018,Dec. "S. Kojima,K. Maruta,C-J. Ahn,Kazuki Maruta","Throughput Maximization by Adaptive Switching with Modulation Coding Scheme and Frequency Symbol Spreading",,"Journal of Communications Software and Systems",,"Vol. 14","No. 4","pp. 332-339",2018,Nov.