"Dicky Rezky Munazat,Budhy Kurniawan,Dhawud Sabilur Razaq,Kazumitsu Watanabe,HIDEKAZU TANAKA","Crossover critical behavior and magnetic entropy change of La0.7Ba0.1Ca0.1Sr0.1MnO3: A comparison between wet-mixing and sol-gel synthesis methods",,"Physica B: Condensed Matter",,"Vol. 592",," 412227",2020,Sept. "Dhawud Sabilur Razaq,Budhy Kurniawan,Dicky Rezky Munazat,Kazumitsu Watanabe,HIDEKAZU TANAKA","Role of Potassium Substitution in the Magnetic Properties and Magnetocaloric Effect in La0.8|xKxBa0.05Sr0.15MnO3 (0 ? x ? 0.20)",,"Crystals",,"Vol. 10",," 407",2020,May