"Mingzhe Liu,Toshiyuki Hino,Ryozo Ooka,Ke Wen,Wonjun Choi,Lee Doyun,Shintaro Ikeda","Development of distributed multiple‐source and multiple‐use heat pump system using renewable energy: Outline of test building and experimental evaluation of cooling and heating performance",,"Japan Architectural Review","Wiley","Volume 4","Issue 1","Page 241-252",2021,Jan. "Lee Doyun,Ryozo Ooka,Shintaro Ikeda,Wonjun Choi,Younghoon Kwak","Model predictive control of building energy systems with thermal energy storage in response to occupancy variations and time-variant electricity prices",,"Energy and Buildings","Elsevier","Volume 225",,,2020,Oct. "Lee Doyun,池田伸太郎,大岡龍三,松田 侑樹,崔元準","空調熱源システムにおける人工知能を用いたモデル予測制御に関する研究 (その3)モデル予測制御の実システムへの適用に関する先行実験","空気調和・衛生工学会大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Mingzhe Liu,Ryozo Ooka,Wonjun Choi,Shintaro Ikeda","Experimental and numerical investigation of energy saving potential of centralized and decentralized pumping systems",,"Applied Energy","Elsevier","Volume 251",,,2019,Oct. "Lee Doyun,Ryozo Ooka,Shintaro Ikeda,Wonjun Choi","Artificial neural network prediction models of stratified thermal energy storage system and borehole heat exchanger for model predictive control",,"Science and Technology for the Built Environment","Taylor & Francis","Volume 25","Issue 5","Page 534-548",2019,May "Lee Doyun,大岡龍三,池田伸太郎,崔元準","ANN及びメタヒューリスティクスを用いたモデル予測制御手法の開発(第4報)蓄熱槽を含むオフィス空調設備の在室者変動を考慮した冷房運転への適用","空気調和・衛生工学会大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Lee Doyun,Ryozo Ooka,Shintaro Ikeda,Wonjun Choi","Case study of ANN modeling of stratified thermal energy storage and ground source heat pump systems for model predictive control","4th International Conference On Building Energy, Environment",,,,,,2018,Feb. "Shintaro Ikeda,Wonjun Choi,Ryozo Ooka","Optimization method for multiple heat source operation including ground source heat pump considering dynamic variation in ground temperature",,"Applied Energy","Elsevier","Volume 193",,,2017,May