"Hao, M.,Takeoka, S.,Miyahara, Y.,Goda, T.,Fujita, H.,Yamagishi, K.,Zhou, W.,Tahara, Y.,Huang, S.,Hashimoto, M.,Fujie, T.","Rapid battery-free glucose sensing with phenylboronic acid hydrogel and flexible interdigitatedcapacitor","2022 MRS Spring Meetings & Exhibit.",,,,,,2022,May "Hajime Fujita,Kento Yamagishi,Wenshen Zhou,Yu Tahara,Shao Ying Huang,Michinao Hashimoto,Toshinori Fujie","Design and fabrication of a flexible glucose sensing platform toward rapid battery-free detection of hyperglycaemia",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry C",,"Vol. 9","No. 23","pp. 7336-7344",2021,May "Hajime Fujita,Kento Yamagishi,Wenshen Zhou,Yu Tahara,Shao Ying Huang,Michinao Hashimoto,Toshinori Fujie","Development of Flexible Transducer For Rapid Battery-Free Glucose Monitoring",,,,,,,2020,Nov.