"Tomonari Inamura,Francesco Della Porta,Akira Heima,Yuri Shinohara,Hiroshi Akamine,Minoru Nishida","Compatibility condition at triple junction of martensite and unusual microstructure in TiNiCu alloy","ICOMAT2022",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Akira Heima,Takumi Higashizono,Ryosuke Nishikawa,Hiroshi Akamine,Tomonari Inamura,Minoru Nishida","Characterization of Dislocation Substructures and Detection of Residual Strain Induced by Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformation in Ti-Ni Based Alloys","ICOMAT2022",,,,,,2022,Mar. "T. Inamura,A. Heima,F. Della Porta,Y. Shinohara,M. Nishida","Abnormal martensite microstructure in TiNi-based alloys not satisfying cofactor condition","SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science",,,,,,2021,May "Yohei Soejima,Akira Heima,Hiroshi Akamine,Tomonari Inamura,Minoru Nishida","Comparison of In Situ SEM and TEM Observations of Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformation in Ti?Ni Shape Memory Alloy",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS",,"Vol. 61","No. 11","pp. 2107-2114",2020,Nov.