"Toshiki Hiruta,Hiroki Ishihara,Naoki Hosoya,Shingo Maeda,Kentaro Takagi,Itsuro Kajiwara","Active vibration control for thin curved structures using dielectric elastomer actuators",,"Smart Materials and Structures","IOP Publishing Ltd","Vol. 33",,"Page 035047",2024,Mar. "Toshiki Hiruta,Kaishi Sasaki,Naoki Hosoya,Shingo Maeda,Kentaro Takagi,Itsuro Kajiwara","A method of testing pear fruit firmness with dielectric elastomer actuator excitation","Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXV",,"SPIE",,,,2023,Apr. "Toshiki Hiruta,Naoki Hosoya,Shingo Maeda,ITSURO KAJIWARA","Firmness Evaluation of Postharvest Pear Fruits during Storage based on a Vibration Experiment Technique using a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator",,"Postharvest Biology and Technology",,"Vol. 182",,"pp. 111697",2021,Dec. "Toshiki Hiruta,Naoki Hosoya,Shingo Maeda,Itsuro Kajiwara","Experimental validation of vibration control in membrane structures using dielectric elastomer actuators in a vacuum environment",,"International Journal of Mechanical Sciences",,"Vol. 191",,"pp. 106049",2021,Jan.