"Shimpei Nishiyama,K. Kato,R. Mizokuchi,J. Yoneda,T. Kodera,T. Mori,Y. Liu","Single-electron transistor operation of a physically defined silicon quantum dot device fabricated by electron beam lithography employing a nagative-tone resist",,"IEICE Transactions on Electronics",,"vol. E106-C","No. 10","pp. 592-596",2023,Oct. "S. I. Ibad,Y. Suzuki,M. Tadokoro,T. Futaya,S. Nishiyama,K. Kato,Y. Liu,S. Murakami,T. Mori,R. Mizokuchi,J. Yoneda,T. Kodera","Coherent control of a hole spin qubit in physically defined silicon quantum dots","The 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum Coherence Effect and Quantum Information",,,,,,2023,Sept.