"Nao Hosokawa,Mamoru Nakamachi,Nobuo Honda,Kota Shiba,Genki Yoshikawa","Antibody-based Protein Detection Using Nanomechanical Membrane-type Surface Stress Sensor (MSS)","Proceedings of the 11th Nanomechanical Sensing Work shop NMC2014",,,,,,2014,Apr. "N Hosokawa,T Sasaki,S Iemura,T Natsume,T Hara,N Mizushima","Atg101, a novel mammalian autophagy protein interacting with Atg13",,"Autophagy",,"Vol. 5","Issue 7",,2009,Oct. "Nao Hosokawa,Taichi Hara,Takeshi Kaizuka,Chieko Kishi,Akito Takamura,Yutaka Miura,Shun-ichiro Iemura,Tohru Natsume,Kenji Takehana,Naoyuki Yamada,Jun-Lin Guan,Noriko Oshiro,Noboru Mizushima","Nutrient-dependent mTORC1 association with the ULK1?Atg13?FIP200 complex required for autophagy",,"Molecular Biology of the Cell",,"Vol. 20","No. 7",,2009,Feb. "Nao Hosokawa,Yukichi Hara,Noboru Mizushima","Generation of cell lines with tetracycline-regulated autophagy and a role for autophagy in controlling cell size",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 580","Issue 11",,2006,May "Nao Hosokawa","Nutrient-dependent mTORC1 association with the ULK1-Atg13-FIP200 complex required for autophagy",,,,,,,,