"Kumi Kuroda","Anxious about rejection, avoidant of neglect: Infant marmosets tune their attachment based on individual caregiver’s parenting style",,"communications biology","SPRINGER NATURE",,,,2024,Feb. "Kumi Kuroda","Distinct roles of amylin and oxytocin signaling in intrafamilial social behaviors at the medial preoptic area of common marmosets",,,"Communications Biology",,,,2023,Dec. "Hannah Ng,Nami Ohmura,Eri Miyazawa,Chihiro Yoshihara,Lana Okuma,Kumi O. Kuroda,Kumi Kuroda","Effects of oxytocin ablation on pup rescue, nursing behaviors and response to pup separation in early‐to‐mid postpartum mice",,"Journal of Neuroendocrinology",,,,,2023,Mar. "Ohmura N,Okuma L,Truzzi A,Shinozuka K,Saito A,Yokota S,Bizzego A,Miyazawa E,Shimizu M,Esposito G,Kuroda KO,Kumi Kuroda","A method to soothe and promote sleep in crying infants utilizing the transport response.",,"Current biology : CB",,,,,2022,Sept. "Fukumitsu, K.,Kaneko, M.,Maruyama, T.,Yoshihara, C.,Huang, A.J.,McHugh, T.J.,Itohara, S.,Tanaka, M.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Amylin-Calcitonin receptor signaling in the medial preoptic area mediates affiliative social behaviors in female mice",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 13","No. 1",,2022, "Tsuneoka, Y.,Yoshihara, C.,Ohnishi, R.,Yoshida, S.,Miyazawa, E.,Yamada, M.,Horiguchi, K.,Young, W.S.,Nishimori, K.,Kato, T.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Oxytocin Facilitates Allomaternal Behavior under Stress in Laboratory Mice",,"eNeuro",,"Vol. 9","No. 1",,2022, "黒田公美","攻撃性の行動神経科学と攻撃性・加害性の高い子ども虐待事例",,"子どもの虐待とネグレスト",,,,,2021,Dec. "黒田公美","養育行動の神経科学",,"Clinical Neuroscience",,,,,2021,Aug. "黒田公美","特集 同意取得が困難な事例を対象とした症例報告や研究における問題点と課題 児童虐待刑事事件の生物・心理・社会要因に関する質問紙調査―妥当性,安全性および倫理的配慮―",,"精神神経学雑誌",,,,,2021,June "Yoshihara, C.,Tokita, K.,Maruyama, T.,Kaneko, M.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Fukumitsu, K.,Miyazawa, E.,Shinozuka, K.,Huang, A.J.,Nishimori, K.,McHugh, T.J.,Tanaka, M.,Itohara, S.,Touhara, K.,Miyamichi, K.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Calcitonin receptor signaling in the medial preoptic area enables risk-taking maternal care",,"Cell Reports",,"Vol. 35","No. 9",,2021, "Kumi O. Kuroda,Yuko Shiraishi,Kazutaka Shinozuka,Kumi Kuroda","Evolutionary‐adaptive and nonadaptive causes of infant attack/desertion in mammals: Toward a systematic classification of child maltreatment",,"Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences",,"Vol. 74","No. 10","pp. 516-526",2020,Oct. "Kumi Kuroda","Using maternal rescue of pups in a cup to investigate mother-infant interactions in mice/rodents",,"Behavioural Brain Research",,"Vol. 374",,"pp. 112081",2019,Nov. "Kumi Kuroda","動物行動の脳科学から見る子の愛着と、養育環境の発達への影響",,"そだちの科学",,,,,2019, "Kumi Kuroda","哺乳類の子育て(養育)行動とオキシトシンの役割",,"分子精神医学",,,,,2019, "Kumi Kuroda","I虐待をめぐって 行動の脳科学からみる子育てとその問題",,"発達",,,,,2019, "一貴 篠塚,沙織 矢野(梨本),さやか 進藤,慈子 齋藤,公美 黒田,黒田公美","コモンマーモセットの養育行動?複数指標からの検討",,"霊長類研究 Supplement",,,,,2018,July "Yoshihara, C.,Numan, M.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Oxytocin and parental behaviors",,"Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 119-153",2018, "Yoshida, S.,Ohnishi, R.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Yamamoto-Mimura, Y.,Muramatsu, R.,Kato, T.,Funato, H.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 in the anterior cingulate cortex mediates maternal absence-induced attenuation of transport response in mouse pups",,"Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience",,"Vol. 12",,,2018, "Kumi Kuroda","子育てと児童虐待に関わる脳内回路機構ー行動神経学の視点からー",,"臨床精神医学",,,,,2018, "Kumi Kuroda","親和性社会行動と親子支援2 哺乳類の親子の協力とコンフリクト",,"子育て支援と心理臨床",,,,,2018, "Kumi Kuroda","親和性社会行動と親子支援3 哺乳類の親子と社会",,"子育て支援と心理臨床",,,,,2018, "Kumi Kuroda","親和性社会行動と親子支援1 哺乳類の子育てと脳",,"子育て支援と心理臨床",,,,,2017, "Amano, T.,Shindo, S.,Yoshihara, C.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Uki, H.,Minami, M.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Development-dependent behavioral change toward pups and synaptic transmission in the rhomboid nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis",,"Behavioural Brain Research",,"Vol. 325",,"pp. 131-137",2017, "公美 黒田,黒田公美","特集 脳と心の謎はどこまで解けたか 父性愛と母性愛─親心の脳神経基盤",,"生体の科学",,,,,2015,Feb. "Tsuneoka, Y.,Tokita, K.,Yoshihara, C.,Amano, T.,Esposito, G.,Huang, A.J.,Yu, L.M.,Odaka, Y.,Shinozuka, K.,McHugh, T.J.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Distinct preoptic-BST nuclei dissociate paternal and infanticidal behavior in mice",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 34","No. 21","pp. 2652-2670",2015, "Esposito, G.,Setoh, P.,Yoshida, S.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","The calming effect of maternal carrying in different mammalian species",,"Frontiers in Psychology",,"Vol. 6","No. MAR",,2015, "さちね 吉田,公美 黒田,黒田公美","親に運ばれるときに子が示す協調的反応「輸送反応」の意義と神経機構(心身相関の基礎研究とその臨床応用,2014年,第55回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会(千葉))",,"心身医学",,,,,2015, "Kuroda, K.O.,Numan, M.,Kumi Kuroda","The medial preoptic area and the regulation of parental behavior",,"Neuroscience Bulletin",,"Vol. 30","No. 5","pp. 863-865",2014, "Kumi Kuroda","Functional, anatomical, and neurochemical differentiation of medial preoptic area subregions in relation to maternal behavior in the mouse",,"Journal of Comparative Neurology",,"Vol. 521","No. 7","pp. 1633-1663",2013,May "Kumi Kuroda","Behavioral Transition from Attack to Parenting in Male Mice: A Crucial Role of the Vomeronasal System",,"Journal of Neuroscience",,"Vol. 33","No. 12","pp. 5120-5126",2013,Mar. "Yoshida, S.,Esposito, G.,Ohnishi, R.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Okabe, S.,Kikusui, T.,Kato, T.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Transport Response is a filial-specific behavioral response to maternal carrying in C57BL/6 mice",,"Frontiers in Zoology",,"Vol. 10","No. 1","pp. 1-11",2013, "Kuroda, K.O.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Assessing postpartum maternal care, alloparental behavior, and infanticide in mice: With notes on chemosensory influences",,"Methods in Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 1068",,"pp. 331-347",2013, "Tachikawa, K.S.,Yoshihara, Y.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Behavioral transition from attack to parenting in male mice: A crucial role of the vomeronasal system",,"Annals of Internal Medicine",,"Vol. 158","No. 6","pp. 5120-5126",2013, "Esposito, G.,Yoshida, S.,Ohnishi, R.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Del Carmen Rostagno, M.,Yokota, S.,Okabe, S.,Kamiya, K.,Hoshino, M.,Shimizu, M.,Venuti, P.,Kikusui, T.,Kato, T.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Infant calming responses during maternal carrying in humans and mice",,"Current Biology",,"Vol. 23","No. 9","pp. 739-745",2013, "公美 黒田,黒田公美","哺乳類子育て(養育)行動の神経基盤",,"化学と生物",,,,,2013, "Esposito, G.,Yoshida, S.,Venuti, P.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Three lessons from Philip Teitelbaum and their application to studies of motor development in humans and mice",,"Behavioural Brain Research",,"Vol. 231","No. 2","pp. 366-370",2012, "Kumi Kuroda","Neural circuit mechanism underlying behavioral transition from attack to parenting toward pups in male mice",,"Neuroscience Research",,"Vol. 71",,"pp. e358-e359",2011,Sept. "Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Neurobiological basis of parent-infant relationship",,"Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry",,"Vol. 35","No. 5","pp. 1165-1166",2011, "Kuroda, K.O.,Tachikawa, K.,Yoshida, S.,Tsuneoka, Y.,Numan, M.,Kumi Kuroda","Neuromolecular basis of parental behavior in laboratory mice and rats: With special emphasis on technical issues of using mouse genetics",,"Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry",,"Vol. 35","No. 5","pp. 1205-1231",2011, "Kuroda, K.O.,Ornthanalai, V.G.,Kato, T.,Murphy, N.P.,Kumi Kuroda","FosB null mutant mice show enhanced methamphetamine neurotoxicity: Potential involvement of FosB in intracellular feedback signaling and astroglial function",,"Neuropsychopharmacology",,"Vol. 35","No. 3","pp. 641-655",2010, "公美 黒田,黒田公美","特集 現代医学・生物学の仮説・学説2008 7.疾病 養育行動とその異常",,"生体の科学",,,,,2008,Oct. "公美 黒田,黒田公美","ミニレビュー 哺乳類養育行動とその異常のメカニズム-精神疾患動態研究チーム",,"精神医学",,,,,2008,Apr. "Kuroda, K.O.,Meaney, M.J.,Uetani, N.,Kato, T.,Kumi Kuroda","Neurobehavioral basis of the impaired nurturing in mice lacking the immediate early gene FosB",,"Brain Research",,"Vol. 1211",,"pp. 57-71",2008, "公美 黒田,黒田公美","日本で研究生活を送る若手研究者",,"学術の動向",,,,,2008, "Kuroda, K.O.,Meaney, M.J.,Uetani, N.,Fortin, Y.,Ponton, A.,Kato, T.,Kumi Kuroda","ERK-FosB signaling in dorsal MPOA neurons plays a major role in the initiation of parental behavior in mice",,"Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience",,"Vol. 36","No. 2","pp. 121-131",2007, "Ozaki, T.,Ozaki, S.,Kuroda, K.,Kumi Kuroda","Premolar and additional first molar extraction effects on soft tissue: Effects on high angle class II division 1 patients",,"Angle Orthodontist",,"Vol. 77","No. 2","pp. 244-253",2007, "公美 黒田,黒田公美","Mammalian maternal behavior and the development of infants: some caveats",,"学術の動向",,,,,2006, "Cameron, N.M.,Champagne, F.A.,Parent, C.,Fish, E.W.,Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Meaney, M.J.,Kumi Kuroda","The programming of individual differences in defensive responses and reproductive strategies in the rat through variations in maternal care",,"Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews",,"Vol. 29","No. 4-5","pp. 843-865",2005, "Okabe, N.,Shimizu, K.,Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Nakanishi, H.,Morimoto, K.,Takeuchi, M.,Katsumaru, H.,Murakami, F.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Contacts between the commissural axons and the floor plate cells are mediated by nectins",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 273","No. 2","pp. 244-256",2004, "Okabe, N.,Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Nakanishi, H.,Shimizu, K.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Expression Patterns of Nectins and Afadin during Epithelial Remodeling in the Mouse Embryo",,"Developmental Dynamics",,"Vol. 230","No. 1","pp. 174-186",2004, "Honda, T.,Shimizu, K.,Kawakatsu, T.,Yasumi, M.,Shingai, T.,Fukuhara, A.,Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Irie, K.,Nakanishi, H.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Antagonistic and agonistic effects of an extracellular fragment of nectin on formation of E-cadherin-based cell-cell adhesion",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 51-63",2003, "Kumi Kuroda","Nectin Couples Cell-Cell Adhesion and the Actin Scaffold at Heterotypic Testicular Junctions",,"Current Biology",,"Vol. 12","No. 13","pp. 1145-1150",2002,July "Kumi Kuroda","Nectin",,"Journal of Cell Biology",,"Vol. 156","No. 3","pp. 555-565",2002,Feb. "Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Nakanishi, H.,Ohta, H.,Tanaka, H.,Kurihara, H.,Mueller, S.,Irie, K.,Ikeda, W.,Sakai, T.,Wimmer, E.,Nishimune, Y.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Nectin couples cell-cell adhesion and the actin scaffold at heterotypic testicular junctions",,"Current Biology",,"Vol. 12","No. 13","pp. 1145-1150",2002, "Kumi Kuroda","Dynamic Localization and Function of Bni1p at the Sites of Directed Growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 827-839",2001,Feb. "Ozaki-Kuroda, K.,Yamamoto, Y.,Nohara, H.,Kinoshita, M.,Fujiwara, T.,Irie, K.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Dynamic localization and function of Bni1p at the sites of directed growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 827-839",2001, "Tachibana, K.,Nakanishi, H.,Mandai, K.,Ozaki, K.,Ikeda, W.,Yamamoto, Y.,Nagafuchi, A.,Tsukita, S.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Two cell adhesion molecules, nectin and cadherin, interact through their cytoplasmic domain-associated proteins",,"Journal of Cell Biology",,"Vol. 150","No. 5","pp. 1161-1175",2000, "Kikyo, M.,Tanaka, K.,Kamei, T.,Ozaki, K.,Fujiwara, T.,Inoue, E.,Takita, Y.,Ohya, Y.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","An FH domain-containing Bnr1p is a multifunctional protein interacting with a variety of cytoskeletal proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Oncogene",,"Vol. 18","No. 50","pp. 7046-7054",1999, "Kamei, T.,Tanaka, K.,Hihara, T.,Umikawa, M.,Imamura, H.,Kikyo, M.,Ozaki, K.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Interaction of Bnr1p with a novel Src homology 3 domain-containing Hof1p: Implication in cytokinesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 273","No. 43","pp. 28341-28345",1998, "Hirano, H.,Tanaka, K.,Ozaki, K.,Imamura, H.,Kohno, H.,Hihara, T.,Kameyama, T.,Hotta, K.,Arisawa, M.,Watanabe, T.,Qadota, H.,Ohya, Y.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","ROM7/BEM4 encodes a novel protein that interacts with the Rho1p small GTP-binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 16","No. 8","pp. 4396-4403",1996, "Ozaki, K.,Tanaka, K.,Imamura, H.,Hihara, T.,Kameyama, T.,Nonaka, H.,Hirano, H.,Matsuura, Y.,Takai, Y.,Kumi Kuroda","Rom1p and Rom2p are GDP/GTP exchange proteins (GEPs) for the Rho1p small GTP binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 15","No. 9","pp. 2196-2207",1996, "Tachikawa, K.S.,Yoshihara, Y.,Kuroda, K.O.,Kumi Kuroda","Sexual behavior and aggression in male mice: Involvement of the vomeronasal system",,"Journal of Neuroscience",,"Vol. 4","No. 9","pp. 2222-2229",1984,