"Tomoya Aono,Tatsuya Sakamoto,Toyoho Ishimura,Motomitsu Takahashi,Tohya Yasuda,Satoshi Kitajima,Kozue Nishida,Takayoshi Matsuura,Akito Ikari,Shin-ichi Ito","Migration patterns of the Japanese sardine in the Sea of Japan by combining the microscale stable isotope analysis of otoliths and an ocean data assimilation model",,"Frontiers in Marine Science",,,,,2024,June "Amane Tajika,Neil H. Landman,J. Kirk Cochran,Kozue Nishida,Kotaro Shirai,Toyoho Ishimura,Naoko Murakami-Sugihara,Kei Sato","Ammonoid extinction versus nautiloid survival: Is metabolism responsible?",,"Geology",,,,,2023,Apr. "Amane Tajika,Neil H. Landman,Mariah Slovacek,Kozue Nishida,Wataru Morita,James D. Witts","Intra- and interspecific variability in offspring size in nautilids",,"Lethaia",,"Vol. 55","No. 3","pp. 1-17",2022,Nov. "Daichi Muto,Toyoho Ishimura,Motomitsu Takahashi,Kozue NISHIDA","Extracting daily isotopic records on fish otolith ( Trachurus japonicus ) by combining micro]milling and micro]scale isotopic analysis?(MICAL]CF]IRMS)",,"Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry",,"Vol. 36","No. 20",,2022,Oct. "Corn?lia Brosset,Nils H?che,Kotaro Shirai,Kozue NISHIDA,Regina Mertz-Kraus,Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Sch?ne","Strong Coupling between Biomineral Morphology and Sr/Ca of Arctica islandica (Bivalvia)—Implications for Shell Sr/Ca-Based Temperature Estimates",,"Minerals",,,,,2022,Apr. "Kozue Nishida","Microscale stable carbon and oxygen isotope measurement of individual otoliths of larvae and juveniles of Japanese anchovy and sardine",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science",,,,,2020,Oct. "Kozue Nishida","Reconstruction of temperature experienced by Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae using SIMS and microvolume CF-IRMS otolith oxygen isotope analyses",,"Marine Ecology Progress Series",,,,,2020,Sept. "Kozue Nishida","Novel reverse radioisotope labelling experiment reveals carbon assimilation of marine calcifiers under ocean acidification conditions",,"Methods in Ecology and Evolution",,,,,2020,June "Ό“c½","ŠL—ή‚Μ’Y‘fEŽ_‘fˆΐ’θ“―ˆΚ‘Μ”δŒ€‹† [Ά•¨ŒΉ’YŽ_‰–‚πŠˆ—p‚΅‚½ŒΓΆ•¨Œ€‹†‚Φ‚Μ‰ž—p‚ΙŒό‚―‚Δ",,"‰»Ξ",,,,,2020,Mar. "Kozue Nishida","Temperature dependency equation for chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) identified by a laboratory rearing experiment and microscale analysis",,"Marine and Freshwater Research",,,,,2020, "Kozue Nishida","Otolith oxygen isotope analysis and temperature history in early life stages of the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus in the Kuroshio?Oyashio transition region",,"Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography",,,,,2019,Nov. "Nishida, K.,Hayashi, M.,Yamamoto, Y.,Irie, T.,Watanabe, Y.,Kishida, C.,Nojiri, Y.,Sato, M.,Ishimura, T.,Suzuki, A.,Kozue Nishida","Effects of elevated CO2on shell13C and18O content and growth rates in the clam Scapharca broughtonii",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 235",,"pp. 246-261",2018, "Nishida, K.,Ishimura, T.,Kozue Nishida","Grain-scale stable carbon and oxygen isotopic variations of the international reference calcite, IAEA-603",,"Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry",,"Vol. 31","No. 22","pp. 1875-1880",2017, "Bell, T.,Nishida, K.,Ishikawa, K.,Suzuki, A.,Nakamura, T.,Sakai, K.,Ohno, Y.,Iguchi, A.,Yokoyama, Y.,Kozue Nishida","Temperature-controlled culture experiments with primary polyps of coral Acropora digitifera: Calcification rate variations and skeletal Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Na/Ca ratios",,"Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology",,"Vol. 484",,"pp. 129-135",2017, "Kavousi, J.,Tanaka, Y.,Nishida, K.,Suzuki, A.,Nojiri, Y.,Nakamura, T.,Kozue Nishida","Colony-specific calcification and mortality under ocean acidification in the branching coral Montipora digitata",,"Marine Environmental Research",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 161-165",2016, "Amano, K.,G. Jenkins, R.,Nishida, K.,Kozue Nishida","A new Paleocene species of Bentharca (Bivalvia; Arcidae) from eastern Hokkaido, with remarks on evolutionary adaptation of suspension feeders to the deep sea",,"Paleontological Research",,"Vol. 19","No. 2","pp. 128-138",2015, "Nishida, K.,Suzuki, A.,Isono, R.,Hayashi, M.,Watanabe, Y.,Yamamoto, Y.,Irie, T.,Nojiri, Y.,Mori, C.,Sato, M.,Sato, K.,Sasaki, T.,Kozue Nishida","Thermal dependency of shell growth, microstructure, and stable isotopes in laboratory-reared Scapharca broughtonii (Mollusca: Bivalvia)",,"Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems",,"Vol. 16","No. 7","pp. 2395-2408",2015, "Tanaka, Y.,Iguchi, A.,Nishida, K.,Inoue, M.,Nakamura, T.,Suzuki, A.,Sakai, K.,Kozue Nishida","Nutrient availability affects the response of juvenile corals and the endosymbionts to ocean acidification",,"Limnology and Oceanography",,"Vol. 59","No. 5","pp. 1468-1476",2014, "Nishida, K.,Iguchi, A.,Ishimura, T.,Sakai, K.,Suzuki, A.,Kozue Nishida","Skeletal isotopic responses of the Scleractinian coral Isopora palifera to experimentally controlled water temperatures",,"Geochemical Journal",,"Vol. 48","No. 6","pp. e9-e14",2014, "Nishida, K.,Ishikawa, K.,Iguchi, A.,Tanaka, Y.,Sato, M.,Ishimura, T.,Inoue, M.,Nakamura, T.,Sakai, K.,Suzuki, A.,Kozue Nishida","Skeletal oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of Acropora coral primary polyps experimentally cultured at different temperatures",,"Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems",,"Vol. 15","No. 7","pp. 2840-2849",2014, "Nishida, K.,Ishimura, T.,Suzuki, A.,Sasaki, T.,Kozue Nishida","Seasonal changes in the shell microstructure of the bloody clam, Scapharca broughtonii (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Arcidae)",,"Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology",,"Vol. 363-364",,"pp. 99-108",2012, "Nishida, K.,Nakashima, R.,Majima, R.,Hikida, Y.,Kozue Nishida","Ontogenetic changes in shell microstructures in the cold seep-associated bivalve, conchocele bisecta (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae)",,"Paleontological Research",,"Vol. 15","No. 4","pp. 193-212",2011,