"Shreedhar Khakurel,Trevor Zhiqing Yeow,Sandip K. Saha,Rajesh P. Dhakal","Post-earthquake building assessments",,"Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 56","No. 2","pp. 115-126",2023,June "Muhammad Rashid,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Timothy J. Sullivan,Trevor Zhiqing Yeow","Seismic performance characterization of fire sprinkler piping systems through shake table testing",,"Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 55","No. 3","pp. 167-182",2022,Sept. "Shreedhar Khakurel,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Trevor Z. Yeow,Sandip K. Saha","Performance group weighting factors for rapid seismic loss estimation of buildings of different usage",,"Earthquake Spectra",,"Vol. 36","No. 3","pp. 1141-1165",2020,Aug. "Mayank Shrivastava,Anthony K. Abu,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Peter J. Moss,Trevor Zhiqing Yeow","Probabilistic structural fire engineering using incremental fire analysis and cloud analysis",,"Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics",,"Vol. 173","No. 2","pp. 47-58",2020,June "Shreedhar Khakurel,Trevor Z. Yeow,Frankie Chen,Zam Wang,Sandip K. Saha,Rajesh P. Dhakal","Development of cladding contribution functions for seismic loss estimation",,"Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 52","No. 1","pp. 23-43",2019,Mar. "Shreedhar Khakurel,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Trevor Zhiqing Yeow,Sandip K. Saha","Identification of building typology groups and performance group weighting factors for seismic loss estimation",,"11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2018, NCEE 2018: Integrating Science, Engineering, and Policy",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 2578-2581",2018,June "Trevor Z. Yeow,Gregory A. MacRae,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Brendon A. Bradley","Validating the sliding mechanics of officetype furniture using shake-table experiments",,"Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 51","No. 1","pp. 1-11",2018,Mar. "Trevor Zhiqing Yeow,Gregory A. MacRae,Rajesh P. Dhakal","Wall building stiffness and strength effect on content sliding in Wellington seismic conditions",,"Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics",,"Vol. 46","No. 6","pp. 1023-1042",2017,May "Rajesh P. Dhakal,Atefeh Pourali,Ali S. Tasligedik,Trevor Yeow,Andrew Baird,Gregory A. MacRae,Stefano Pampanin,Alessandro Palermo","Seismic performance of non-structural components and contents in buildings: an overview of NZ research",,"Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration",,"Vol. 15","No. 1",,2016,Mar. "Trevor Z. Yeow,Gregory A. MacRae,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Sheng-Lin Lin","Predicting the Maximum Total Sliding Displacement of Contents in Earthquakes",,"Journal of Architectural Engineering",,"Vol. 22","No. 1",,2016,Mar. "Sheng-Lin Lin,Gregory A. MacRae,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Trevor Z. Yeow","Building contents sliding demands in elastically responding structures",,"Engineering Structures",,"Vol. 86",,"pp. 182-191",2015,Mar. "Trevor Z. Yeow,Gregory A. MacRae,Rajesh P. Dhakal,Brendon A. Bradley","Experimental studies on the sliding behavior of building contents",,"NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2014,July