"H. Koiso,S. Yoshida,T. Nagai,T. Isobe,A. Nakajima,Y. Mochizuki","Thermal Expansion and Phase Stability of Cubic B(III)F3 (B=Sc, Y, La, Al, In, Ga)","The 14th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-14)",,,,,,2024,Oct. "H. Koiso,S. Yoshida,T. Nagai,T. Isobe,A. Nakajima,Y. Mochizuki","Thermal expansion and phase stability of BF3 (B = Sc, Y, La, Al, Ga, In) from first principles",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 110","Issue 6"," 064104",2024,Aug.