"Ando R,Benyoucef A,Obara T,Kono S,Hatta H,Mukai D","Numerical Study on the Shear Capacity of Precast Hollow CFST Piles (Part 1-2)","Annual meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 493-496",2022,Sept. "古川佳純,Jasinda C.,安藤諒,小原拓,河野進,Mukai D.,渡辺臣","SC杭および耐震杭の軸圧縮性状に関する実験的研究 その1-2","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 603-606",2021,Sept. "小原拓,安藤諒,Thusoo S.,河野進,渡辺臣,谷昌典","高軸力下における SC 杭のせん断終局耐力に関する実験的研究 その1-2","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 597-600",2021,Sept.