"Keren Lin,Thijs van der Gaag,Wataru Kikuchi,Hiroshi Akatsuka,Motoshi Goto","OES diagnostics of atmospheric pressure argon plasma: Electron temperature and density assessment through visible bremsstrahlung inversion method and collisional-radiative model",,"Applied Physics Letters","AIP Publishing","Vol. 124","Issue 23"," 234103",2024,June "Thijs van der Gaag,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Partial EEDF analysis and electron diagnostics of atmospheric pressure Ar and Ar-He DBD plasma",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics","IOP Publishing","Vol. 56","Issue 30","p. 304001",2023,May "Keren Lin,Thijs van der Gaag,Wataru Kikuchi,Hiroshi Akatsuka,Motoshi Goto","Progress in OES Diagnostics of Atmospheric Pressure Argon Plasma: Electron Temperature and Density Assessment through Visible Bremsstrahlung Inversion method and Collisional-Radiative Model","2023 nifs Atomic Process Workshop","Proc. 2023 nifs Atomic Process Workshop","Atomic-molecular data forum",,,,2023,Feb. "Thijs van der Gaag,赤塚洋","大気圧非平衡プラズマの連続スペクトル発光分光計測による電子エネルギー分布関数の測定","2022年合同素過程研究会「原子分子過程研究の最先端と先進的プラズマ分光計測」 「原子分子データ応用フォーラムセミナー」","2022年合同素過程研究会 要旨集","核融合科学研究所",,,,2022,Dec. "Thijs van der Gaag","A Study on Continuum Emission Electron Diagnostics in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Thijs Van Der Gaag","A Study on Continuum Emission Electron Diagnostics in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Thijs van der Gaag","A Study on Continuum Emission Electron Diagnostics in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Thijs van der Gaag","A Study on Continuum Emission Electron Diagnostics in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Thijs van der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","EEDF measurement of cold atmospheric-pressure plasma by OES","The 17th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XVII )","Proc. 17th Int. Symp. HAKONE XVII","Local Organizing Committee, HAKONE XVII",,,,2022,Aug. "Thijs van der Gaag,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Practical considerations of the visible bremsstrahlung inversion (VBI) method for arbitrary EEDF determination in cold atmospheric-pressure plasma",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics","IOP Publishing","Vol. 61","No. 07"," 076004",2022,June "Thijs Van Der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Arbitrary EEDF of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma from OES Measurement","The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12)","Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12)","Program Committee of APSPT12",,,,2021,Dec. "Thijs van der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Arbitrary electron energy distribution determination from the continuum emission spectrum for atmospheric-pressure plasma electron diagnostics","74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC2021)","Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.","The American Physical Society",,,,2021,Oct. "Thijs van der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","A machine learning scheme to determine arbitrary EEDF in atmospheric-pressure plasma from OES measurement","The 3rd International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science (ICDDPS-3)","Anstract Book of the 3rd International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science (ICDDPS-3)","Executive Scientific Committee of the 3rd International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science (ICDDPS-3)",,,"pp. 25-26",2021,Mar. "Thijs van der Gaag,Hiroshi Onishi,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Arbitrary EEDF determination of atmospheric-pressure plasma by applying machine learning to OES measurement",,"Physics of Plasmas","AIP Publishing","Vol. 28","No. 3","pp. 033511-1 - 033511-9",2021,Mar. "Thijs Van Der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Determination of arbitrary EEDF of atmospheric-pressure plasma by OES continuum emission spectrum analysis","The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020","Extended Abstracts of the 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2020","Japan Society of Applied Physics",,,"p. 07-065",2020,Aug. "Thijs van der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Arbitrary EEDF of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma from OES Continuum Spectrum Analysis","The 11th Asia Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT11)","Abstract of APSPT11","Program Committee of APSPT11",,,,2019,Dec. "Hiroshi Akatsuka,Hiroshi Onishi,Thijs van der Gaag,Atsushi Nezu","Optical emission spectroscopic (OES) analysis of electron temperature and density in atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium argon plasmas","3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics","Proc. 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics",,,,,2019,Nov. "Thijs Van Der Gaag,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Genetic-algorithm-assisted reconstruction of arbitrary EEDF of atmospheric-pressure plasma using optical emission spectroscopic measurement","72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC)","Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.","American Physical Society",,,,2019,Oct. "赤塚洋,大西広,Thijs Van der Gaag,根津篤","大気圧非平衡プラズマの連続スペクトル発光分光計測診断","令和元年電気学会基礎・材料・共通部門大会","令和元年電気学会基礎・材料・共通部門大会要旨集","電気学会基礎・材料・共通部門大会委員会",,,"p. 216",2019,Aug. "T. van der Gaag,H. Onishi,H. Akatsuka","Determination of the EEDF by Continuum Spectrum Analysis of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma using a Genetic Algorithm","XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10)","Proc. XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10)","International Scientific Committee of ICPIG and International Organizing Committee of ICRP",,,,2019,July "赤塚 洋,大西 広,Van der Gaag Thijs,根津 篤","大気圧非平衡プラズマの連続スペクトル発光分光計測による電子パラメータ診断","2019年度 公益社団法人 日本分光学会 年次講演会","2019年度 公益社団法人 日本分光学会 年次講演会 予稿集","公益社団法人 日本分光学会",,,"p. 92",2019,May "Thijs Van Der Gaag,Hiroshi Onishi,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Determination of the EEDF by Continuum Emission Spectrum Analysis: Preliminary Results","The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019","Extended Abstracts of The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting 2019","The Japan Society of Applied Physics"," 06-034",,,2019,Mar. "赤塚 洋,大西 広,ヴァン?デル?ハーク タイス,根津 篤","大気圧非平衡プラズマの電子エネルギー分布関数の発光分光法による測定の可能性","第36 回 プラズマプロセシング研究会/ 第31 回 プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム","第36 回 プラズマプロセシング研究会/ 第31 回 プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム プロシーディングス","SPP36/SPSM31実行委員会",,,"pp. 64-65",2019,Jan. "赤塚 洋,大西 広,Thijs van der GAAG,根津 篤","大気圧非平衡プラズマの電子エネルギー分布関数の測定可能性","「原子分子過程研究と受動・能動分光計測の高度化のシナシ?ー効果によるフ?ラス?マ科学の展開」 「原子分子データ応用フォーラムセミナー」2018年合同素過程研究会","http://www.am-data-forum.com/seminar30/seminar30program.html",,,,,2018,Dec.