"Chenlin Lu,Basudev Maity,Xue Peng,Nozomi Ito,Satoshi Abe,Xiang Sheng,Takafumi Ueno,Diannan Lu","Design of a gold clustering site in an engineered apo-ferritin cage",,"Communications Chemistry",,"Vol. 5","Issue 39"," 1-11",2022,Mar. "Basudev Maity,Chenlin Lu,Xue Peng,Nozomi Ito,Satoshi Abe,Xiang Sheng,TakafumiUeno,Diannan Lu","Accumulation process of gold ions into ferritin cage and cluster formation",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Yuki Hishikawa,Basudev Maity,Nozomi Ito,Satoshi Abe,Diannan Lu,Takafumi Ueno.","Design of Multinuclear Gold Binding Site at the Two-fold Symmetric Interface of the Ferritin Cage.",,"Chemistry Letters",,,,,2020,Apr. "Satoshi Abe,Nozomi Ito,Basudev Maity,Chenlin Lu,Diannan Lu,Takafumi Ueno","Coordination design of cadmium ions at the 4-fold axis channel of the apo-ferritin cage",,"Dalton Trans.",,"Vol. 48",,"Page 9759-9764",2019,Apr.