"Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA,Shijuan Wang","Effect of Instructor Inclusion Type and Course Complexity on Studentsf Learning in Lecturer Video","10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers","Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers","Association for Computing Machinery",,,"pp. 181-188",2018,Oct. "Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA","Viewing behaviors affected by slide features and learning style in slide video - From sequence analysis perspective",,"The Journal of Information and Systems in Education","Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education","Vol. 12","No. 1","pp. 1-12",2014,Feb. "Jianxia Cao","Students' Viewing Behaviors and Content Design in Slide Video Learning - Towards Better Student-centered Learning Environments",,,,,,,2013,Dec. "Jianxia Cao","Students' Viewing Behaviors and Content Design in Slide Video Learning - Towards Better Student-centered Learning Environments",,,,,,,2013,Dec. "Jianxia Cao","Students' Viewing Behaviors and Content Design in Slide Video Learning - Towards Better Student-centered Learning Environments",,,,,,,2013,Dec. "Jianxia Cao","Students' Viewing Behaviors and Content Design in Slide Video Learning - Towards Better Student-centered Learning Environments",,,,,,,2013,Dec. "Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA","Increase teacherfs presence and immediacy in slide videos","IEEE Educon 2013",,,,,"pp. 965-972",2013,Mar. "Jianxia Cao,Akinori Nishihara","Understand learning style by eye tracking in slide video learning",,"Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia","Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)","Volume 21","No. 4","pp. 335-358",2012,Nov. "Jianxia Cao,Akinori Nishihara","Effect of video design and content on studentsf learning motivation","The 28th Annual Conference of JSET",,"“ú–{‹³ˆçHŠw‰ï",,,"pp. 669-670",2012,Sept. "Jian xia Cao,Akinori Nishihara","Visualize eye patterns for learners viewing instructionalvideo","The 27th Annual Conference of JSET",,,,,,2012, "Jianxia Cao,Akinori Nishihara","Learnersf Viewing Behavior in Watching Instructional Video ---an Eye Tracking Analysis","E-Learn 2011",,"Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education",,,,2011,Oct. "Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA","Measuring Community of Inquiry in an International Blended Learning Context","AACE Global Learn",,,,,,2011,Mar. "Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA","Studentsf sense of community in an international blended learning context","JSET 26 annual Conference",,,,,,2010,Sept. "Jianxia Cao,Chengling Zhao,Akinori Nishihara","Practice on Teacher's Professional Development under Informational Environment","Global Learn 2010","Global Learn 2010","AACE",,,,2010,May