"Matsunaga, Y.,W. Kanda,S. Takakura,T. Koyama,Z. Saito,K. Seki,A. Suzuki,T. Kishita,Y. Kinoshita,Y. Ogawa","Magmatic hydrothermal system inferred from the resistivity structure of Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano",,"Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research",,"Vol. 390",,,2020,Jan. "W Heise,TG Caldwell,EA Bertrand,Y Ogawa,R Yoshimura,H Ichihara,SL Bennie,K Seki,Z Saito,Y Matsunaga,A Suzuki,T Kishita,Y Kinoshita","IMAGING THE PLATE COUPLING AT THE HIKURANGI SUBDUCTION MARGIN, NEW ZEALAND","Geosciences 2019",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Heise W,Ogawa Y,Bertrand EA,Caldwell TG,Yoshimura R,Ichihara H,Bennie SL,Seki K,Saito Z,Matsunaga Y,Suzuki A,Kishita, T,Kinoshita Y","Electrical resistivity imaging of the inter-plate coupling transition at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 524",,,2019,Oct. "W. Heise,T. G. Caldwell,E.A. Bertrand,Y. Ogawa,R. Yoshimura,H. Ichihara,S.L Bennie,Z. Saito,K. Seki,Y. Matsunaga,A. Suzuki,Y. Kinoshita,T. Kishita","Imaging subduction interface coupling using magnetotellurics: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, 2018.12. (invited)","AGU fall meeting, Washington DC",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Ryokei Yoshimura,Ken’ichi Yamazaki,Yasuo Ogawa,Jun Nakagawa,Shingo Kawasaki,Shintaro Komatsu,Itaru Yoneda,Yuhei Ouchi,Tomohisa Okazaki,Atsushi Suzuki,Zenshiro Saito,Yoshiya Usui,Koki Aizawa,Mitsuru Utsugi,Masahiro Teraishi","Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、名古屋大学、2018.11.25",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Ryokei Yoshimura,Ken’ichi Yamazaki,Yasuo Ogawa,Jun Nakagawa,Shingo Kawasaki,Shintaro Komatsu,Itaru Yoneda,Yuhei Ouchi,Tomohisa Okazaki,Atsushi Suzuki,Zenshiro Saito,Yoshiya Usui,Koki Aizawa,Mitsuru Utsugi,Masahiro Teraishi","Heterogeneous electrical resistivity image around the Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、名古屋大学、2018.11.25.",,,,,,2018,Nov. "W. Heise,T. G. Caldwell,E.A. Bertrand,S.L. Bennie,Y. Ogawa,Z. Saito,K. Seki,Y. Matsunaga,A. Suzuki,T. Kishita,Y. Kinoshita,H. Ichihara,R. Yoshimura","Imaging the transition from weakly to strongly coupled plate interface at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand","24th EM Induction Workshop, 13?20 Aug 2018 in Helsing?r, Denmark",,,,,,2018,Aug. "吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小川 康雄,中川 潤,川崎 慎吾,小松 信太郎,米田 格,大内 悠平,岡崎 智久,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,臼井 嘉哉,相澤 広記,宇津木 充,寺石 眞弘","Electrical resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel region, southwest Japan, by three-dimensional wideband magnetotelluric inversion",,,,,,,2018,May "吉村 令慧,山崎 健一,小川 康雄,中川 潤,川崎 慎吾,小松 信太郎,米田 格,岡崎 智久,大内 悠平,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,臼井 嘉哉,相澤 広記,宇津木 充,寺石 眞弘","Large-scale electrical resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel","地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、京都大学、おうばくプラザ きはだホール、2017.10.16.",,,,,,2017,Oct. "齋藤 全史郎,小川 康雄,市來 雅啓,鈴木 惇史,木下 雄介,Amatyakul Puwis","宮城県北部地域の3次元地殻流体分布と地震活動","新学術領域「地殻ダイナミクス」2017年全体集会, 米子コンベンションセンタービッグシップ 国際会議場、米子、2017.9.26",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Wiebke Heise,T. Grant Caldwell,Edward A. Bertrand,Stewart L. Bennie,Yasuo Ogawa,Zenshiro Saito,Kaori Seki,Yasuo Matsunaga,Atsushi Suzuki,Takahiro Kishita,Yusuke Kinoshita,Hiroshi Ichihara,Ryokei Yoshimura","Imaging the transition from weakly to strongly coupled plate interface at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand","Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2017, Matsuyama, 2017.9.21",,,,,,2017,Sept. "松永 康生,神田 径,高倉 伸一,小山 崇夫,齋藤 全史郎,小川 康雄,関 香織,鈴木 惇史,木下 雄介,木下 貴裕","地下比抵抗構造から推定される草津白根火山のマグマ熱水系","JpGU-AGU Joint meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May "Wiebke Heise,Yasuo Ogawa,T Grant Caldwell,Edward A Bertrand,Hiroshi Ichihara,Ryokei Yoshimura,Stewart L Bennie,Zenshiro Saito,Kaori Seki,Yasuo Matsunaga,Atsushi Suzuki,Takahiro Kishita,Yusuke Kinoshita","Imaging the Plate Interface at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand","JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2017, Chiba, 2017.5.25.",,,,,,2017,May "Ryokei Yoshimura,Ken'ichi Yamazaki,Yasuo Ogawa,Jun Nakagawa,Shingo Kawasaki,Shintaro Komatsu,Itaru Yoneda,Yuhei Ouchi,Tomohisa Okazaki,Atsushi Suzuki,Zenshiro Saito,Yoshiya Usui,Masahiro Teraishi","Large-scale electrical resistivity structure around the long-term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel region, southwest Japan","JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2017, Chiba, 2017.5.23.",,,,,,2017,May "Zenshiro Saito,Yasuo Ogawa,Masahiro Ichiki,Hideyuki Satoh,Yusuke Kinoshita,Atsushi Suzuki,Puwis Amatyakul","3D magnetotelluric imaging of fluid distribution in a seismogenic region, Miyagi, NE Japan","JpGU-AGU joint meeting, Chiba, 2017.5.23.",,,,,,2017,May "松永康生,神田径,高倉伸一,小山崇夫,齋藤全史郎,小川康雄,関香織,鈴木惇史,木下雄介,木下貴裕","MT法により推定される本白根山の地下比抵抗構造","平成28年度 Conductivity Anomaly 研究会, 京都大学, 2017.1.11-12.",,,,,,2017,Jan. "Seki, K.,Kanda, W.,Tanbo, T.,Ohba, T.,Ogawa, Y.,Takakura, S.,Nogami, K.,Ushioda, M.,Suzuki, A.,Saito, Z.,Matsunaga, Y.","Resistivity structure and geochemistry of the Jigokudani Valley hydrothermal system, Mt. Tateyama, Japan",,"Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research",," 325",," 15-26",2016,Oct. "関 香織,神田 径,丹保 俊哉,大場武,小川 康雄,高倉 伸一,野上健治,潮田 雅司,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,松永 康生","立山地獄谷の熱水系","日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会","日本火山学会講演予稿集 2015年度秋季大会",,,,"p. 26",2016,May "関 香織,神田 径,丹保 俊哉,小川 康雄,高倉 伸一,潮田 雅司,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,松永 康生","立山地獄谷の熱水系","日本火山学会2015年度秋季大会","日本火山学会講演予稿集 2015年度秋季大会",,,,"p. 26",2015,Sept. "Seki, K.,Kanda, W.,Tanbo, T.,Ogawa, Y.,Takakura, S.,Ushioda, M.,Suzuki, A.,Saito, Z.,Matsunaga, Y.","Hydrothermal system beneath the Jigokudani valley, Tateyama volcano, Japan, inferred from AMT surveys and hot spring water chemistry","26th IUGG General Assembly 2015",,,,,,2015,June "関 香織,神田 径,丹保 俊哉,小川 康雄,高倉 伸一,潮田 雅司,鈴木 惇史,齋藤 全史郎,松永 康生","温泉水と比抵抗構造から推定される立山地獄谷の熱水系","日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会",,,,,,2015,May