"Thi Huong Tran,JIRO HIROKAWA","Evaluation of effective conductivity of copper post and transmission losses of post-wall waveguide in millimeter wave band",,"International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications",,,,"pp. 187-190",2011,Aug. "Yuanfeng SHE,Huong Tran,Koh HASHIMOTO,Jiro HIROKAWA,Makoto ANDO","Loss of Post-Wall Waveguides and Efficiency Estimation of Parallel-Plate Slot Arrays Fed by the Post-Wall Waveguide in the Millimeter-Wave Band",,"IEICE Trans. Electronics,",,"Vol. E94-C","No. 3","pp. 312-320",2011,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,Koh Hashimoto,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Antenna Efficiency Estimation according to the Loss Evaluation of Post-Wall Waveguides in Millimeter-Wave Bands","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集","電子情報通信学会",,,,2010,Mar. "Huong TRAN,Yuanfeng SHE,Jiro HIROKAWA,Kimio SAKURAI,Yoshinori KOGAMI,Makoto ANDO","Evaluation of Effective Conductivity of Copper-Clad Dielectric Laminate Substrates in Millimeter-Wave Bands Using Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators",,"IEICE Trans. Electron",,"Vol. E92-C","No. 12","pp. 1504-1511",2009,Dec. "Huong Tran,Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Kimio Sakurai,Yoshinori Kogami,Makoto Ando","Evaluation of Effective Conductivity of Copper-clad Dielectric Substrates in Millimeter-Wave Band","Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT","Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT",,,,"pp. 95-100",2009,Oct. "Yuanfeng SHE,Thi Huong TRAN,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Millimeter-Wave Band Evaluation of Transmission Loss and its Effects on Antenna Efficiency in Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Arrays",,"信学技報",,,,"pp. 75-80",2009,May "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Prediction of Transmission Losses in Microstrip Lines and Post-wall Waveguides in Various Frequency Bands by using Effective Conductivity and Complex Permittivity obtained by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Technique","IEICE General Conf.","Proc. of IEICE General Conf.",,,,,2009,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Tran Thi Huong,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Millimeter-Wave Band Evaluation of Microstrip-Line Transmission Losses using Effective Conductivity Measured by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator,","INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION","Proc. of INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION",,,,,2008,Oct. "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Confirmation of Effective Conductivity Measured by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator in the Millimeter-Wave Band by Microstrip-Line Transmission Losses Evaluation","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集",,,,,2008,Sept. "Tran Thi Huong,Jiro Hirokawa,Yoshinori Kogami,Makoto Ando","Accuracy Enhancement of the Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Method Using Substrates with Identical Sizes to Measure the Conductivity and the Complex Permittivity","IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting","Proc. of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting",,,,,2008,July "チャン ティフーン,廣川二郎,古神義則,安藤 真","複素誘電率測定基板と導電率測定基板を同一形状としたウィスパリングギャラリー共振器法測定精度向上,","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2008,Mar. "Tran Thi Huong,Jiro Hirokawa,Yoshinori Kogami,Makoto Ando","Evaluation of Conductivity of Sandwich-type Dielectric Substrates in Millimeter Wave Region and Comparison with Copper-clad Dielectric Substrates","Asia Pasific Microwave Conf.","Proc. of Asia Pasific Microwave Conf.",,,,,2007,Dec. "Tran Thi Huong,廣川 二郎,古神 義則,安藤 真","ウィスパリングギャラリー共振器を用いた銅箔挟込誘電体基板と両面銅箔誘電体基板のミリ波帯実効導電率測定と比較による精度向上",,"信学技報",,,,"pp. 89-94",2007,Oct. "君島 健太,橋本 紘,チャン ティ フーン,廣川 二郎,安藤 真","ミリ波におけるPTFE基板比誘電率のスロットアレーアンテナ動作周波数変化への影響の実証","電子情報通信学会 東京支部学生会研究発表会","信学会東京支部学生会発表会",,,,,2007,Mar. "Thi Huong Tran,廣川二郎,古神義則,安藤 真","銅箔挟込誘電体基板のミリ波帯導電率測定と両面銅貼基板との比較","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2007,Mar. "H. T. Tran,T. Kai,J. Hirokawa,Y. Kogami,M. Ando","Evaluation of Conductivity for the under Side Section of Various Types of Copper-Clad Dielectric Substrates Using a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator","IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting","IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting",,,,"pp. 3199-3202",2006,July "Huong Tran,甲斐貴文,廣川二郎,古神義則,安藤 真","ウィスパリングギャラリー共振器を用いた低誘電率銅貼り基板の導電率のミリ波帯測定","電子情報通信学会 総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2006,Mar. "Tran Thi Huong,Takafumi Kai,Jiro Hirokawa,Yoshinori Kogami,Makoto Ando","EVALUATION OF CONDUCTIVITY AND COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF A COPPER-CLAD DIELECTRIC SUBSTRATE BY USING A WHISPERING GALLERY MODE RESONATOR","INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION (ISAP2005)",,,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1145-1148",2005,Aug.