"Maciej Kot","Mass Spring Models for the Simulation of Deformable Objects",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Maciej Kot","Mass Spring Models for the Simulation of Deformable Objects",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Maciej Kot","Mass Spring Models for the Simulation of Deformable Objects",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Maciej Kot,HIROSHI NAGAHASHI,GRACKI Krzysztof","Resolution Scaling for Spring Model Simulations",,"IEICE Trans. on Infomation & Systems",,"Vol. E97-D","No. 8","pp. 2138-2146",2014,Aug. "Maciej Kot,HIROSHI NAGAHASHI","Anti-aliazing for Cubic Lattice Mass Spring Models","NICOGRAPH International 2013",,,,,,2013,June "Maciej Kot,HIROSHI NAGAHASHI","Simplification of mass spring models","International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality","Proc. of Int. COnf. on CGVR",,,,,2012,June "Maciej Kot,Hiroshi Nagahashi,Piotr Szymczak","Verification of Physical Properties of Materials Modeled with Mass-Spring Systems","マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎研究会","電子情報通信学会技術研究報告",,,,,2011,Mar.