"Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition Mechanism of Organic Compounds by DC Water Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 518","No. 3","p. 924-928",2009,Dec. "Narengerile,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition of Tetrafluoromethane by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 518","No. 3","pp. 929-935",2009,Dec. "Narengerile,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition Mechanism of Fluorinated Compounds by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure",,"Abstracts of Papers of 22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials",,," P-32","p. 55",2009,June "Narengerile,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition Mechanism of Fluorinated Compounds by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure","22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials","Abstracts of Papers of 22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials",," P-32",,"p. 55",2009,June "Narengerile,Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","HFC Decomposition by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure","プラズマ科学シンポジウム2009","プラズマ科学シンポジウム2009プロシーディングス",," P1-30",,"p. 72-73",2009,Feb. "Narengerile,Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","HFC Decomposition by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure","プラズマ科学シンポジウム2009","プラズマ科学シンポジウム2009プロシーディングス",,," P1-30","p. 72-73",2009,Feb. "Narengerile,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","PFC Decomposition by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure","9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology","Abstracts of 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",,," SP9","p. 197",2008,Oct. "Narengerile,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","PFC Decomposition by Water Plasma Generated under Atmospheric Pressure",,"Abstracts of 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",," SP9",,"p. 197",2008,Oct. "Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition Mechanism of Organic Compounds by DC Water Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure","9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology","Abstracts of 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",,," SP8","p. 198",2008,Oct. "Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Decomposition Mechanism of Organic Compounds by DC Water Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure",,"Abstracts of 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",," SP8",,"p. 198",2008,Oct. "Hiroshi Nishioka,Hironori Saito,Takayuki Watanabe","Liquid Waste Decomposition by DC Water Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure",,"Transactions of Materials Research Society of Japan",,"Vol. 33","No. 3","p. 691-694",2008,Sept. "西岡浩史,齊藤寛典,渡辺隆行","大気圧水プラズマによる有機物分解機構の解明","化学工学会第40回秋季大会","化学工学会第40回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",," Q106",,,2008,Sept.