"KIKUO KISHIMOTO,Rehana Afrin,Masato Nakaji,Hiroshi Sekiguchi,David Lee,Atsushi Ikai","Forced Extension of Delipidated Red Blood Cell Cytoskeleton with Little indication of Spectrin Unfolding",,"Cytoskeleton","Wiley Periodicals Inc.",,"No. 69","pp. 101-112",2012,Feb. "KIKUO KISHIMOTO,David Lee,Yotaro Shinozawa,Kazuaki Inaba,Rehana Afrin,Atsushi Ikai","Mechanical Analysis of the Bio Cell Subjected to AFM Loading","Internattional Workshop on Biomedical Engineering & Biomechanics","Internattional Workshop on Biomedical Engineering & Biomechanics","Xi'an Jiaotong University",,,"p. 33",2011,Aug. "David Lee,Kikuo Kishimoto,Atsushi Ikai,Kazuaki Inaba","MONTE CARLO SIMULATION STUDY OF A RED BLOOD CELL CYTOSKELETON UNDER AFM LOADING","Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009","Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009","JSME",,,"pp. 1-4",2009,Nov. "KIKUO KISHIMOTO,David Lee,ATSUSHI IKAI,Machida Shinichi","Monte Carlo Simulation Study of a Red Blood Cell Cytoskeleton under AFM Loading","The 5th Tokyo Tech.-POSTECH-KUN Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering","The 5th Tokyo Tech.-POSTECH-KUN Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering",,,,"pp. 18-19",2009,Sept.