"香川 達哉,飯嶌 大樹,Lee Hyojae,Wang Shuai,亀田 恵佑,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","クラスタリングを利用したSHAP値の解析手法によるエネルギー消費行動の可視化","化学工学会第55回秋季大会",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Nukunudompanich,H. Yoon,L. Hyojae,K. Kameda,M. Ihara,S. Manzhos","Machine learning of properties of perovskites with an NN with additive kernel GPR-based neuron activation functions","Chemical Compound Space Conference 2024 (CCSC 2024)",,,,,,2024,May "亀田 恵佑,中川 慶,古賀 康友,Chen Kexin,高木 伶海,若宮 大志郎,岡崎 成美,Lee Hyojae,大歳 夏生,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","電極反応モデルに基づく水素発電におけるBaZr0.9Y0.1O3-δ添加Ni/YSZ燃料極の反応種被覆率の推定","化学工学会 第89年会 (堺)",,,,,,2024,Mar. "大歳 夏生,Lee Hyojae,亀田 恵佑,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","リアルタイム雲画像データに基づく日射成分を用いた影を含む太陽電池発電量予測モデル","化学工学会 第89年会 (堺)",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Methawee Nukunudompanich,H. Yoon,Lee Hyojae,Keisuke Kameda,Manabu Ihara,Sergei Manzhos","Machine learning of properties of lead-free perovskites with a neural network with additive kernel regression-based neuron activation functions",,"MRS Advances",,,,,2024,Jan. "Lee Hyojae,津田 舜作,飯島 大樹,亀田 恵佑,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学",".電力需要予測の高精度化に向けた高次元電力消費データのエンコーディング手法の提案","化学工学会第54回秋季大会(福岡)",,,,,,2023,Sept. "S Manzhos,S Tsuda,H Lee,M Ihara","Hybrid models combining neural networks (NN), Gaussian process regressions (GPR), and high-dimensional model representations (HDMR) for more powerful machine learning.","人工知能学会全国大会",,,,,,2023,July "Sergei Manzhos,Shunsaku Tsuda,Hyojae Lee,Manabu Ihara","Hybrid models combining neural networks (NN), Gaussian process regressions (GPR), and high-dimensional model representations (HDMR) for more powerful machine learning","The 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2023)",,,,,,2023,June "Lee Hyojae,津田 舜作,飯嶌 大樹,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","建物内人間活動情報を含む高次元エネルギーデータを用いた電力需要予測モデルの提案","化学工学会第88年会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "飯嶌 大樹,Lee Hyojae,津田 舜作,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","電力予測モデル構築に向けた高次元エネルギーデータのクラスタリング手法の検討と解析","化学工学会第53回秋季大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "津田 舜作,大久保 辰哉,Lee Hyojae,飯嶌 大樹,大歳 夏生,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","汎用的な電力需要予測に向けた高次元エネルギーデータの分析と回帰モデルの検討","化学工学会第53回秋季大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Lee Hyojae,津田 舜作,飯嶌 大樹,Manzhos Sergei,伊原 学","マイクログリッドにおける電力需要予測に向けた高次元データと時定数解析の検討","化学工学会第53回秋季大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Y. Koga,K. Hasegawa,H. Lee,K. Kameda,Y. Iida,M. Ihara","Determination with a Genetic Algorithm of Reactant Coverages on H2/H2O Electrodes Based on Electrochemical Kinetics Under Reversible SOFC/EC Operation",,"Fuel Cells (Topical Issue on “High‐Temperature Electrolysis using Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (HT‐SOEC)”)",,"Vol. 20",,"Page 661-681",2020,Dec. "K. Hasegawa,H. Lee,K. Kameda,Y. Iida,M. Ihara","Comprehensive Kinetics Model with Competitive Adsorption Reaction on Water Electrode in Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / Electrolysis","236th ECS Meeting",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Kei Hasegawa,Hyojae Lee,Keisuke Kameda,Yuta Iida,Manabu Ihara","Kinetics Model to describe Reversible Operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolysis with Competitive Adsorption Reaction on Anode Triple Phase Boundary","18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019)",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Kei Hasegawa,Hyojae Lee,Keisuke Kameda,Yuta iida,Manabu Ihara","Unified Kinetics Model of Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / Electrolysis with Competitive Adsorption Reaction on Anode Triple Phase Boundary","The World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC 2019)",,,,,,2019,June "M. Ihara,Y. Kajikawa,T. Shimizu,K. Hasegawa,Y. Kikuchi,M. Tsujimoto,T. Okubo,H. Lee,I. Yamanaka,T. Nozaki,Y. Kudo,H. Takagi,Y. Mizuno,E. Kato,K. Murata,A. Kurosawa,S. Iida,K. Sakata,K. Okazaki","Techno-economic scenario study on future energy system using hydrogen","The World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC 2019)",,,,,,2019,June "T. Okubo,T. Shimizu,H. Lee,K. Hasegawa,M. Ihara","Feasible distributed energy system using solar cells and hydrogen energy storage technologies","The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE 2018)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "T. Okubo,T. Shimizu,H. Lee,K. Hasegawa,M. Ihara","Feasible Energy System with Electrochemical Hydrogen Energy Storage for Leveling the Received Electricity at Large-Scale Solar Cell Installation","AiMES 2018 Meeting(234th ECS and SMEQ2018 Joint International Meeting)",,,,,,2018,Oct. "清水 輝之,大久保 辰哉,李 孝宰,長谷川 馨,伊原 学","水素利用技術および蓄電池を用いた分散型発電・蓄エネルギーシステムの導入分析","化学工学会第83年会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "大久保 辰哉,清水 輝之,李 孝宰,長谷川 馨,伊原 学","再生可能エネルギー大量導入を想定した電解/燃料電池蓄エネルギーの経済性の検討","化学工学会第83年会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "H. Lee,Y. Iida,R. Shimamura,K. Hasegawa,M. Ihara","Modeling Electrolysis Reaction Mechanism of Fuel Electrodes in Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / Electrolysis Cell (RSOFC/EC) for Hydrogen Energy Storage System","232nd ECS Meeting",,,,,,2017,Oct. "李 孝宰,飯田 雄太,島村 亮汰,長谷川 馨,伊原 学","可逆型固体酸化物燃料電池における包括的水電解/H2発電電極反応モデルの提案","第49回 化学工学会秋季大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "柳川 太佑,清水輝之,李 孝宰,長谷川 馨,伊原 学","実データベースの東工大スマートエネルギーシステムへの水素エネルギーの導入検討","化学工学会第82年会",,,,,,2017, "李 孝宰,柳川 太佑,島村 亮汰,長谷川 馨,伊原 学","エネルギーストレージに向けた可逆型固体酸化物燃料電池/水電解システムのモデル化","化学工学会第82年会",,,,,,2017,