"Yaping Liu","Investigation of In-Flight Melting of Glass Raw Materials by Multi-Phase AC Arc",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yaping Liu","Investigation of In-Flight Melting of Glass Raw Materials by Multi-Phase AC Arc",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yaping Liu","Investigation of In-Flight Melting of Glass Raw Materials by Multi-Phase AC Arc",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yaping Liu,Manabu Tanaka,Sooseok Choi,Takayuki Watanabe","In-Flight Particle Measurement of Alkali-Free Glass Raw Materials in 12-Phase AC Arc Plasma",,"Journal of Thermal Spray Technology",,"Vol. 21","No. 5","pp. 863-872",2012,Sept. "Manabu Tanaka,Tomoki Ikeba,Yaping Liu,Tsugio Matsuura,Takayuki Watanabe","Electrode Temperature Measurements of Multi-Phase AC Arc by High-Speed Video Camera","The 12th High-Tech Plasma Processing Conference",,,,,,2012,June "Yaping Liu,Manabu Tanaka,Tomoki Ikeba,Sooseok Choi,Takayuki Watanabe","In-Flight Particle Measurement of Glass Raw Materials in Hybrid Heating of Twelve-Phase AC Arc with Oxygen Burner","The 12th High-Tech Plasma Processing","The 12th High-Tech Plasma Processing",,,,,2012,June "Yaping Liu,Manabu Tanaka,Tomoki Ikeba,Sooseok Choi,Takayuki Watanabe","In-Flight Particle Measurement of Glass Materials in Thermal Plasmas",,"4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials",,,,"p. 136",2012,Mar. "Manabu Tanaka,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Yaping Liu,Takayuki Watanabe","Investigation of Multi-Phase AC Arc Behavior by High-Speed Video Observation",,"IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science",,"Vol. 39","No. 11","pp. 2904-2905",2011,Nov. "Manabu Tanaka,Yaping Liu,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Tomoki Ikeba,Takayuki Watanabe","Discharge Characteristics of Multi-Phase AC Arc for In-Flight Processing",,"Plasma Conference 2011",,,,,2011,Nov. "Manabu Tanaka,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Yaping Liu,Tsugio Matsuura,Takayuki Watanabe","Stability Analysis of Multi-Phase AC Arc Discharge for In-Flight Glass Melting",,"Current Applied Physics",,"Vol. 11","No. 5","pp. S35-S39",2011,Sept. "Yaping Liu,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Manabu Tanaka,Toshio Ichihashi,Tetsuji Yano,Takayuki Watanabe","In-flight Melting Behavior of Different Glass Raw Materials by Hybrid Heating of Twelve-Phase AC Arc with Oxygen Burner",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 519","No. 20","pp. 7005-7008",2011,Aug. "Manabu Tanaka,Yaping Liu,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Takayuki Watanabe","In-Flight Melting Behavior of Alkali-Free Glass by Hybrid Heating of Multi-Phase AC Arc with Oxygen Burner",,"Abstracts of Papers of 24th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials",,,,"p. 95",2011,July "Tsugio Matsuura,Manabu Tanaka,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Yaping Liu,Takayuki Watanabe","Investigation on Discharge Phenomena of Multi-Phase AC Arc for In-Flight Processing",,"Abstracts of Papers of 24th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials",,,,"p. 82",2011,July "Manabu Tanaka,Yaping Liu,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Takayuki Watanabe","In-Flight Melting Behavior of Alkaline Free Glass by Combination of Multi-Phase AC Arc with Oxygen Burner",,"Abstracts of The 9th International Conference on Advances in The fusion and Processing of Glass",,,,,2011,July "Manabu Tanaka,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Yaping Liu,Takayuki Watanabe","Investigation of In-Flight Melting Behavior of Granulated Glass Raw Material by Multi-Phase AC Arc Plasma and Hybrid Plasma",,"IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 18"," 112010",,2011,July "Yaping Liu,Yosuke Tsuruoka,Manabu Tanaka,Toshio Ichihashi,Tetsuji Yano,Takayuki Watanabe","In-flight Melting Behavior of Different Glass Raw Materials by Hybrid Heating of Twelve-Phase AC Arc with Oxygen Burner","10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology","Abstracts of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",," PC221",,"p. 300",2010,July