"Simin Lei","Microstructure analysis of A356 aluminum alloy by color metallography using Weck’s reagent",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Simin Lei","Microstructure analysis of A356 aluminum alloy by color metallography using Weck’s reagent",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "Simin Lei","Microstructure analysis of A356 aluminum alloy by color metallography using Weck’s reagent",,,,,,,2021,Sept. "S. Lei,L. Gao,Y. Harada,S. Kumai","Microstructure Analysis of Quenched Semi-Solid A356 Aluminum Alloy Slurry by Using Weck’s Reagent",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS",,"Vol. 61","No. 6","pp. 1077-1083",2020,June "Simin Lei,Li Gao,Yohei Harada,Shinji Kumai","Microstructure analysis of quenched semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry by using Weck’s reagent","(一社)軽金属学会 第136回春期大会","講演概要集",,,,"pp. 135-136",2019,May "S. Lei,L. Gao,Y. Harada,S. Kumai","Microstructure and mechanical properties of semi-solid die-cast A356 aluminum alloy","ICAA15 (The 15th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys)","Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 877",,"pp. 39-44",2016,June