"岡村知拓,三成映理子,川合康太,中瀬正彦,朝野英一,竹下健二","21 世紀後半に向けた廃棄物管理の選択肢:Pu 利用推進と環境負荷低減型地層処分に関する研究(14) 使用済MOX 燃料の発熱特性と地層処分場の温度特性への影響","日本原子力学会2020春の年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "Tomohiro Okamura,Kota Kawai,Eriko Minari,Hidekazu Asano,Masahiko Nakase,KENJI TAKESHITA","Effect of Cs and Sr separation on occupied area reduction in current nuclear energy system and its evaluation by CAERA index",,"Seper Sci Technol",,,,,2018,Dec. "Tomohiro Okamura,Kota Kawai,Eriko Minari,Masahiko Nakase,Hidekazu Asano,KENJI TAKESHITA","Effect of Cs and Sr separations on occupied area reduction in current nuclear energy system and its evaluation by CAERA index","20th Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Masahiko Nakase,Tomohiro Okamura,Eriko Minari,Kota Kawai,Hidekazu Asano,KENJI TAKESHITA","Comprehensive study on nuclear fuel cycle toward sophisticated system; connecting from electric generation to final geological disposal","5th Tokyo Tech-Uppsala University Joint Symposium",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Kota Kawai,Hiroshi Sagara,Kenji Takeshita,Masahiro Kawakubo,Hidekazu Asano,Yaohiro Inagaki,Yuichi Niibori,Seichi Sato","High Burn-up Operation and MOX Burning in LWR; Effects of Burn-up and Extended Cooling Period of Spent Fuel on Vitrification and Disposal",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 55","No. 10","pp. 1130?1140",2018,June "川合康太","地層処分場の負荷低減を目指した バックエンドシステムの構築",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "川合康太","地層処分場の負荷低減を目指した バックエンドシステムの構築",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "川合康太","地層処分場の負荷低減を目指した バックエンドシステムの構築",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "川合康太","地層処分場の負荷低減を目指した バックエンドシステムの構築",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Tomohiro Okamura,Masahiko Nakase,Kota Kawai,Eriko Minari,Hidekazu Asano,KENJI TAKESHITA","Cross-sectional study on nuclear fuel cycle for less-impacted radioactive waste management and disposal",,"Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 25",2018,Jan. "Kota Kawai,Kenji Takeshita","Effects of extended cooling period of spent fuel from LWR and nuclides separation on vitrification and disposal","MIT- Tokyo Tech Workshop on Innovative Nuclear Energy System (MT-INES)",,,,,,2017,Oct. "Kota Kawai,Kenji Takeshita,Eef Weet Jens,Alexey Stankovskiy,Edouard Mbala Malambu,Gert Van Den Eynde","Thermal analysis in the near-field of a geological repository taking into account generated heat distribution by gamma rays","International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference (GLOBAL2017)",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Kota Kawai,Hiroshi Sagara,Kenji Takeshita,Masahiro Kawakubo,Hidekazu Asano,Yaohiro Inagaki,Yuichi Niibori,Seichi Sato","Effects of High Burn-Up Operation of LWR and Extended Cooling Period of Spent Fuel on High-Level Waste Properties for Vitrification and Storage","2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’17)",,,,,,2017,Apr. "Kota Kawai,Tatsuya Fukuda,Yoshio Nakano,Kenji Takeshita","Thermal decomposition analysis of simulated high-level liquid waste in cold-cap",,"EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies",,"Vol. 2","No. 44",,2016,Dec. "Kota KAWAI,Tatsuya FUKUDA,Yoshio NAKANO,Kenji TAKESHITA,Yoshiyuki MIURA,Norio KANEHIRA","Thermal decomposition analysis of simulated high-level liquid waste in cold-cap","GLOBAL 2015 (21st International Conference & Exhibition: "Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Low-Carbon Future")",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Tomohiro Nozaki,Shota Moriyama,K Okazaki,Shodai Abe,Kota Kawai","Non-thermal plasma enhanced greenhouse gas conversion: advanced C1-chemistry","21st Interantional Symposium on Plasma Chemistry",,,,,,2013,Aug. "森山翔太,川合康太,岡崎健,野崎智洋","プラズマ支援C1ケミストリー:低温部分酸化によるメタン直接転換","第18回JPIJS若手研究者のためのポスターセッション",,,,,,2013,May