"Wan-Ting Chiu,Byung-Hoon Woo,Mitsuo Sano,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone.","Highly Reliable Metallization on Polymer and Their Fundamental Characteristics toward Wearable Devices Applications",,"Advances in Biosensors: Reviews","IFSA Publishing","Vol. 2",,"pp. 165-242",2018,Oct. "Wan-ting Chiu,Mitsuo Sano,Cheng-Chuan Wang,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone","Fabrication of composite materials for wearable devices by electroless plating with supercritical carbon dioxide",,"ITRI Materialsnet",,,,,2017,Oct. "曽根正人,佐野光雄,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,ChiuWan-ting,黒子弘道,橋本朋子","超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた生体適合性貴金属被覆高分子繊維の創成",,"ケミカルエンジニアリング",,"Vol. 61","No. 10","pp. 1-8",2016,Oct. "Wan-Ting Chiu,Mitsuo Sano,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone","Metallization of textiles by electroless plating with supercritical carbon dioxide for the applications in wearable devices","The 15th Symposium on Development of Supercritical Fluid Technology and Application and The 2nd International Workshop on Supercritical Fluid Dyeing Technology",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Mitsuo Sano,Yuma Tahara,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Tatsuo Sato,Masato Sone","Application of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Catalyzation and Ni-P Electroless Plating of Nylon 6,6 Textile",,"Surface and Coatings Technology",,"Vol. 302",,"pp. 336?343",2016,Aug. "Mitsuo Sano,Yuma Tahara,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone","Metallization of Textile by Pt Catalyzation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Pt Electroless Plating for Applications in Wearable Devise",,"Microelectronics Engineering",,"Vol. 153",,"pp. 92-95",2016,Apr. "Mitsuo Sano,Yuma Tahara,Tso-Fu Mark Chang*,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone","Pd Catalyzation and Electroless Deposition of Ni on Textile Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide","66th Annual Meeting of The Interbationa Society of Electrochemistry, ISE2015","ISE2015",,,,,2015,Oct. "Mitsuo Sano,Yuma Tahara,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Masato Sone","Metallization on Textile by Electroless Plating with Pd or Pt Catalyzation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for Sensing Wearable Devise","MNE2015, 41th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering","MNE2015",,,,,2015,Sept. "Mitsuo Sano,Yuma Tahara,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu,Tatsuo Sato,Masato Sone","Ni-P Electroless plating on Nylon Textile Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide","ICMAT2015 & IUMRS-ICA2015","ICMAT2015 & IUMRS-ICA2015",,,,,2015,June "Mitsuo Sano,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Tatsuo Sato,Masato Sone,Yuma Tahara,Tomoko Hashimoto,Hiromichi Kurosu","Metallization on Textile by Pd Catalyzation and Ni Electroless Deposition","2015 MRS Spring Meeting","2015 MRS Spring Meeting",,,,,2015,Apr.