"Sirapong SUWANPANJASIL,Takuro NAKAMURA,Koji MATSUMOTO,Junichiro NIWA","REPLACEMENT OF CONVENTIONAL STEEL STIRRUPS BY INTERNAL REINFORCING CFRP GRIDS IN SHEAR OF CONCRETE BEAMS",,"Journal of JSCE",,"Vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 377-391",2017,Oct. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil","Innovation of Shear Improvement in Concrete Beams by Internally Reinforcing PBO Mesh and CFRP Grid",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil","Innovation of Shear Improvement in Concrete Beams by Internally Reinforcing PBO Mesh and CFRP Grid",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil","Innovation of Shear Improvement in Concrete Beams by Internally Reinforcing PBO Mesh and CFRP Grid",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil","Innovation of Shear Improvement in Concrete Beams by Internally Reinforcing PBO Mesh and CFRP Grid",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil,Takuro Nakamura,Koji Matsumoto,Junichiro Niwa","An experimental study of concrete beams reinforced with internal PBO mesh and CFRP grid in shear","The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering","Proceedings of The 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 771-778",2016,Aug. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil,Koji Matsumoto,Takuro Nakamura,Junichiro Niwa","SHEAR BEHAVIOR OF CONCRETE BEAMS REINFORCED WITH INTERNAL CFRP GRIDS","EASEC-14",,,,,"pp. 1079-1085",2016,Jan. "S. Suwanpanjasil,T. Nakamura,K. Matsumoto,J. Niwa","Innovation of Shear Reinforcement in Concrete Beams ? The Replacement of Conventional Stirrups by Internal FRP Materials","7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development",,"Volume 20","No. 7","pp. 9-12",2015,Nov. "Suwanpanjasil, S.,Matsumoto, K.,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Shear Performance of Concrete Beams Internally reinforced with PBO Mesh","IABSE Conference","Report of IABSE Conference, Nara 2015",,,,"pp. 324-325",2015,May "Suwanpanjasil, S.,Matsumoto, K.,Niwa, J.","A New Alternative Shear Improvement of Concrete Beams by Internally Reinforcing PBO Mesh",,"Journal of JSCE, Division E, Materials and Concrete Structures,",,"Vol. 3","No. 1","pp. 67-80",2015,Apr. "Sirapong Suwanpanjasil,Koji Matsumoto,JUNICHIRO NIWA","An Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Internal PBO Fiber Meshes in Shear","コンクリート工学年次大会2014",,,,,,2014,July "SUWANPANJASIL S,松本 浩嗣,二羽 淳一郎","An Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Internal PBO Fiber Meshes in Shear",,"コンクリート工学年次論文集",,"Vol. 36","No. 2","pp. 1195-1200",2014,July