"Zixuan Li,Sangyeop Lee,Noboru Ishihara,Hiroyuki Ito","RC-oscillator-based battery-less wireless sensing system using RF resonant electromagnetic coupling,",,,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences",,,,2024,May "Ludovico Minati,Chao Li,Jim Bartels,Parthojit Chakraborty,Zixuan Li,Natsue Yoshimura,Mattia Frasca,Hiroyuki Ito","Accelerometer time series augmentation through externally driving a non-linear dynamical system",,"Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena",,"Vol. 168",,"p. 113100",2023,Mar. "zixuan li,Sangyeop Lee,Noboru Ishihara,Hiroyuki Ito","Low-power and high-resolution capacitance sensing using CMOS inverter-based RC oscillator by employing voltage-integration feedback",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,,,,2023,Feb. "Zixuan Li,Sangyeop Lee,Noboru Ishihara,Hiroyuki Ito","Low-jitter CMOS inverter-based RC oscillator with voltage-integration feedback for sensor interface","International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM)",,,,,,2022,Sept.