"Min Luo,Nam Dang,Haruo Yokota","A Fragmented Data-declustering Strategy for High Skew Tolerance and Efficient Failure Recovery","International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2014)","Proc. of IDEAS 2014",,,,"pp. 227-236",2014,July "Yunho Kim,Moonzoo Kim,Nam Dang",": Scalable Distributed Concolic Testing: A Case Study on a Flash Storage Platform","International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Nam Dang,Haruo Yokota","Measuring the Effect of Node Joining and Leaving in a Hash-based Distributed Storage System","The 5th Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management",,,,,,2013, "Maheen Bakhtyar,Lena Wiese,Katsumi Inoue,Nam Dang","Using Conceptual Inductive Learning for Cooperative Query Answering","The 36th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery",,,,,,2013,