"Y. Shirasaki,A. Yoshida,N. Kawai,T. Tamagawa,T. Sakamoto,M. Suzuki,Y. Nakagawa,A. Kobayashi,S. Sugita,I. Takahashi,M. Arimoto,T. Shimokawabe,N. V. Pazmino,T. Ishimura,R. Sato,M. Matsuoka,E. E. Fenimore,M. Galassi,D. Q. Lamb,C. Graziani,T. Q. Donaghy,J.-L. Atteia,A. Pelangeon,R. Vanderspek,G. B. Crew,J. P. Doty,J. Villasenor,G. Prigozhin,N. Butler,G. R. Ricker,K. Hurley,S. E. Woosley,G. Pizzichini","Multiple-Component Analysis of the Time-Resolved Spectra of GRB 041006:A Clue to the Nature of the Underlying Soft Component of GRBs.",,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan.",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 919-931",2008,Aug. "Arimoto Makoto,Kawai Nobuyuki,Suzuki Motoko,Sato Rie,Pazmino N. V.,Shimokawabe Takashi,Ishimura Takuto,Nakagawa Yujin E.,Pelangeon Alexandre,Atteia Jean-Luc,Hurley Kevin,Pizzichini Graziella,Lamb Donald Q.","HETE-2 observation of the evidence of a long acting engine in the extremely soft XRF 040916","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 331-334",2008,May "Vasquez, N.,Kawai, N.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Ishimura, T.,Suzuki, M.,Sato, R.,Yoshida, A.,Nakagawa, Y.,Sugita, S.,Tamagawa, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Sakamoto, T.,Shirasaki, Y.,Ricker, G. R.","Substructure spectral analysis of HETE-2 burst GRB060115","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 150-153",2008,May "Takahashi, I.,Nakagawa, Y. E.,Yoshida, A.,Sugita, S.,Tamagawa, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Kawai, N.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Ishimura, T.,Vasquez, N.,Suzuki, M.,Sato, R.,Shirasaki, Y.,Ricker, George R.","Development of A New Background Reduction Method for WXM/HETE-2 and Its Application for Bright GRB Spectra","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 174-177",2008,May "Shirasaki, Y.,Yoshida, A.,Kawai, N.,Nakagawa, Y.,Tamagawa, T.,Suzuki, M.,Sugita, S.,Takahashi, I.,Arimoto, M.,Shimokawabe, T.,Vasquez, N.,Ishimura, T.,Sato, R.,Sakamoto, T.,Kuwahara, M.,Matsuoka, M.","Spectrum Feature of the Underlying Soft Component of GRB041006.","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007","GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1000",,"pp. 158-161",2008,May