"Yusuke Kubota,Yuichiro Ueno,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Fumihiro Matsu'ura","Sulfur isotope anomaly of igneous sulfides in the Belingwe komatiites implication for the onset of the subduction","AGU fall meeting",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Yusuke Kubota,Ueno Y.,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Matsuura F.","Sulfur isotope anomaly of igneous sulfides in the Belingwe komatiites: Implication for the onset of subduction","JpGU annual meeting",,,,,,2019,May "久保田 勇祐,上野 雄一郎,清水 健二,松浦 史宏,石川 晃","27億年前のベリングウェーコマチアイトの質量非依存硫黄同位体分別:太古代における地殻物質のリサイクル","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May