"Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Symbiotic systems consisting of large-FBR and small water-cooled thorium reactors (WTR)",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER","Volume 36","Number 8","Page 1076-1085",2009,Aug. "Sidik Permana,A. Waris,naoyuki takaki,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","All Heavy Metals Closed-Cycle Analysis on Water-Cooled Reactors of Uranium and Thorium Fuel Cycle Systems","2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)","Proc. of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)",,,,,2009,May "Alan Takibayev,相樂 洋,Sidik Permana,Yoshitalia Meiliza,Kairat Ismailov,Vladimir Artisyuk","強い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する革新的原子炉技術開発(P3計画);(XIV)核拡散抵抗性評価手法の開発",,"日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会予稿集",," O53",,,2008,Sept. "Naoyuki Takaki,Sidik Permana,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Actinide closed water cooled thorium breeder reactor","Proc. of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”","Proc. of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”",,,,,2008,Sept. "高木直行,Sidik Permana,関本博","水冷却トリウム増殖炉の成立性","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. K17",2008,Mar. "A. Waris,Z. Su'ud,S. Permana,H. Sekimoto","Influence of void fraction change on plutonium and minor actinides recycling in BWR with equilibrium burnup",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 295-298",2008, "Permana Sidik,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Power density effect on feasibility of water cooled thorium breeder reactor",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 308-313",2008, "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Preliminary study on feasibility of large and small water cooled thorium breeder reactor in equilibrium states",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 320-324",2008, "Naoyuki Takaki,Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor Based on LWR Technology","The 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems","Proceedings of the 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems",,,,,2007,Sept. "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility Study of Small Long-Life Water Cooled Thorium Reactors (WTRS) For Providing Small Quantity of Energy Demands","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)",,,,,2007,June "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Breeding Capability and Void Reactivity Performance of Different Driver Fuel on Water Cooled Thorium Reactors for Different Power Reactors","International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP 2007)","Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP 2007)",,,,,2007,May "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasible Region of Design Parameters for Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 44","No. 7","pp. 946-957",2007,