"ICHIRO HAGIWARA,li-rong wang,jiacai wang","Eigenvector based feature region partition algorithm for registration of measured point cloud","Asia Simulation Conference 2009",,,,,,2009,Oct. "Li rong Wang,Jia cai Wang,Ichiro Hagiwara","Eigenvector based feature region partition algorithm for registration of measured point cloud","Asia Simulation Conference 2009","Asia Simulation Conference 2009",,,,,2009,Oct. "L.-R. Wang,F. Xu,J.-C. Wang,I. Hagiwara.","An Efficient Registration Algorithm of Multi-view Three-dimensional Images.","2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009).",,,,,,2009,Mar. "ICHIRO HAGIWARA,Luyu Zhang,jiacai wang,wanglr","Investigation into Fluid-structure Interaction of Hydraulically Damped Rubber Mount on thebasis of Finite Element Analysis Proceedings of the I MECH Part D",,"Journal of Automobile Engineering",,"Vol. 223 (D3)",,"pp. 327-342",2009, "王利栄,王嘉才,Li-J-Z,萩原一郎","特徴線を捕らえてのメッシュ簡略化",,,,,,,2008,Nov. "徐放,王利栄,王嘉才,萩原一郎","効率的な位置あわせ手法に関する研究",,"第21回計算力学講演会",,,,,2008,Nov. "L.-R. Wang,F. Xu,J.-C. Wang,I. Hagiwara.","Efficient Iterative Closest Point Algorithm for Measured Surface Registration.","The 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering (ICVE’2008).",,,,,,2008,June "L.-R. Wang,J.-C. Wang,J.-Z Li,I. Hagiwara.","Internet-based efficient data transmission of 3D product model.","The IEEE 12th International Conference on CSCW in Design.",,,,,,2008,Apr. "L.-R. Wang,J.-C. Wang,I. Hagiwara","Investigation to Peer-to-Peer based Collaborative Working Platform for Product Development",,"International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services",,"Vol. 1","No. 2","pp. 194-212",2008,Feb. "li-rong wang,jiacai wang,ICHIRO HAGIWARA,Lixia Sun","Preliminary Construct of Web-based Collaborative Working Platform with Peer-to-Peer Technology.","The 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG)","The 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG)",,,,,2007,Oct. "L.-R. Wang,jiacai wang,Z.-H Lu,ICHIRO HAGIWARA","Finite Element Simulation of Static Characteristic of Hydraulically Damped Rubber Mount for Vehicle Powertrain",,"Proceedings of the I MECH Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering",,"Vol. 221",,,2007,Oct. "li-rong wang,jiacai wang,Lixia Sun,ICHIRO HAGIWARA","A Peer-to-Peer based Communication Environment for Synchronous Collaborative Product Design","Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) for the Fourth International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering","Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) for the Fourth International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering",,,,,2007,Sept.