"Yuanfeng She,Yuto Kato,Jiro Hirokawa","Prediction of Transmission Loss by Considering Uncertainties of Dielectric Properties in Millimeter Waveband","Asia Pacific Microw. Conf.",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Yuanfeng She,Yuto Kato,Satoru Kurokawa,Jiro Hirokawa","Examples of Loss Prediction and Measurement of LTCC Circuits Uncertainties of Dielectric Loss in Millimeter Waveband","IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. Antennas Propag.",,,,,,2018,Aug. "She Yuanfeng,加藤 悠人,黒川 悟,廣川 二郎","ミリ波帯材料特性の不確かさによるLTCC回路の伝送損失予測と測定","計測研究会","電学会研資",,,,"pp. 26-31",2017,Oct. "Y. She,M. Ameya,M. Hirose,S. Kurokawa,JIRO HIROKAWA,M. Ando","Stability of coaxial cable transmission and measurement system using optical fiber link technologies",,"Microwave and Optical Technology Letters",,"Vol. 59","No. 1","pp. 201-204",2017,Jan. "Yuanfeng She,Yuto Kato,Satoru Kurokawa,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Estimate the Realized Gain of the Antenna on the Dielectric Substrate in the Millimeter Waveband","信学通信大",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Yuanfeng She,Michitaka Ameya,Satoru Kurokawa,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Small Antenna Measurement System with Optical Fiber Link Technologies in the Millimeter-wave Band",,"IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics",,,,"pp. 189-190",2016,Feb. "Y. She,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,D. Hanatani,M. Fujimoto","LTCC Oversized Rectangular Waveguide Slot Array Antenna With Air Layers",,"IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation",,"Vol. 63","No. 12","pp. 5850-5854",2015,Dec. "Yuanfeng She,Michitaka Ameya,Satoru Kurokawa,Masanobu Hirose,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Examples of the estimation of the antenna gain in the millimeter wavebands",,"International Workshop on Electromagnetics",,,,,2015,Nov. "Y. She,M. Ameya,S. Kurokawa,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando","An Example of Millimeter-wave band Antenna Measurement System with Optical Fiber Link Technologies","IEICE PEM Intl. Workshop",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Yuanfeng She,Michitaka Ameya,Satoru Kurokawa,Jiro Hirokawa,Ryosuke Suga,Yasutake Hirachi,S. Sasaki","Analysis of the Reasons of Uncertainty in 60 GHz Small Antenna Design and Measurement",,"International Workshop on Antenna Technology",,,,"pp. 243-244",2015,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Ryosuke Suga,hiroshi nakano,yasutake hirachi,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Design of Package Cover for 60GHz Small Antenna and Effects of Device Box on Radiation Performance","Intl. Synp. Antenna Propagat.",,,,,,2013,Oct. "Y. She,Ryosuke Suga,H. Nakano,Y. Hirachi,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando","Loss Evaluation of the 60-GHz Small Antenna in the Package for Wireless Data-Transfer Systems","URSI Intl. Symp. Electromagnetic Theory",,,,,"pp. 985-987",2013,May "Yuanfeng She,ryuusuke fujino,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando,Daisuke Hanatani,Masahiro Fujimoto","LTCC Oversized Rectangular Waveguide Slot Array Antenna With Air-Layer in the Radiating Part in the Millimeter-Wave Band,",,"IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation",,"vol. 61","no. 4","pp. 1777-1783",2013,Apr. "藤野隆介,SHEYuanfeng,廣川二郎,安藤真,花谷大輔,藤本正弘","平行平板スロットアレーアンテナ用中空層装荷ポスト壁給電導波路の設計解析,","電子情報通信学会 総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2013,Mar. "R. Fujino,Y. She,M. Zhang,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando","Loss Reduction by Air-Region Insertion to Rectangular Waveguide-fed Oversized Post-wall Waveguide Slot Array Antenna in the Millimeter-Wave Band","Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference","Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference",,,,"pp. 887-889",2012,Dec. "Y. She,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,D. Hanatani,M. Fujimoto","LTCC Partially-Filled Post-Wall Rectangular-Waveguide Slot Array Antenna in the Millimeter-Wave Band",,"IEICE Trans. Electronics",,"Vol. E95-C","No. 10","pp. 1635-1642",2012,Oct. "藤野隆介,Y. She,M. Zhang,廣川二郎,安藤真","反射抑圧用パッチを用いた中空構造装荷ポスト壁導波路給電用のT分岐の設計","信学通信大",,,,,,2012,Sept. "Y. She,R. Fujino,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,D. Hanatani,M. Fujimoto","Loss Reduction & Bandwidth Enhancement by Air-Region Insertion to LTCC Rectangular-Waveguide Slot Arrays in the Millimeter-Wave Band","IEEE AP-S International Symposium (USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting)","Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium (USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting)",,,,,2012,July "Yuanfeng She,Ryusuke Fujino,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Daisuke Hanatani,Masahiro Fujimoto","Loss Evaluation and Bandwidth Enhancement of LTCC Single-mode Waveguide Slot Array with Air Region in the Millimeter-Wave Band","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2012,Mar. "藤野隆介,Yuanfeng She,廣川二郎,安藤 真","補強用LTCC層を有する平行平板導波路上スロットペアの解析と特性","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2012,Mar. "SHE Yuanfeng,廣川 二郎,安藤 真,花谷 大輔,藤本 正弘","中空層挿入によるミリ波帯LTCC方形導波管スロットアレーアンテナの損失低減",,"信学技報",,,,,2012,Feb. "Yuanfeng SHE,Jiro HIROKAWA,Makoto ANDO,Daisuke HANATANI,Masahiro FUJIMOTO","Loss Reduction by Air-Region Insertion to LTCC Rectangular-Waveguide Slot array Antenna in the Millimeter-Wave Band",,"IEICE Technial Report",,"vol. 111","no. 429","pp. 105-110",2012,Feb. "Y. She,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,D. Hanatani,M. Fujimoto","Transmission Loss of the LTCC Partially-Filled Single Mode Waveguide in the Millimeter-Wave Band","信学通信大",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto ANDO","Transmission Loss of the Partially-LTCC-Filled Single Mode Waveguide in the Millimeter-Wave Band","3nd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW)","Proceedings of 3nd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW)",,,,"p. 52",2011,Aug. "Yuanfeng She,Hideki Ueda,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Daisuke Hanatani,Daisuke Fujinoto","LTCC Partially-filled Oversized Rectangular Waveguide-fed Slot Array Antenna in the Millimeter-wave Band","IEEE AP-S International Symposium (USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting)","Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium (USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting)",,,,,2011,July "Shulabh Gupta,Christophe Caloz,Miroslav Samardzija,She Yuanfeng,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Corrugations for Suppressing Undesired Wave Propagation in the Transverse Direction in a 45-deg Linearly Polarized 76 GHz Parallel-Plate Waveguide Two-dimensional Slot-Array","IEEE AP-S International Symposium","Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium",,,,"pp. 3025-3028",2011,July "Yuanfeng SHE,Huong Tran,Koh HASHIMOTO,Jiro HIROKAWA,Makoto ANDO","Loss of Post-Wall Waveguides and Efficiency Estimation of Parallel-Plate Slot Arrays Fed by the Post-Wall Waveguide in the Millimeter-Wave Band",,"IEICE Trans. Electronics,",,"Vol. E94-C","No. 3","pp. 312-320",2011,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Hideki Ueda,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Daisuke Hanatani,Masahiro Fujimoto","LTCC Partially-Filled Oversized Rectangular Waveguide-Fed Slot Array in the Millimeter-Wave Band","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集",,,,,2011,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Loss factors in parallel-plate slot-array antennas in the millimeter-wave bands","The International Workshop on Millimeter Wave Wireless Technology and Applications","Proceedings of The International Workshop on Millimeter Wave Wireless Technology and Applications",,," P-22"," 142-143",2010,Dec. "Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Loss Factors in Parallel-Plate Slot-Array Antennas on a Copper-Clad Dielectric Substrate in the Millimeter-Wave Band","International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP)","Proceedings of International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation",,,,,2010,Nov. "Jiro Hirokawa,Koh Hashimoto,Yuanfeng She,Makoto Ando","Reflection Improvement of a Post-Wall Waveguide Fed Parallel Plate Slot Array Antenna by an Analysis Model with Corrected Equivalent Solid-Walls","IEEE AP-S International Symposium","Proceeding of IEEE AP-S International Symposium","IEEE",,,,2010,June "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,Koh Hashimoto,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Antenna Efficiency Estimation according to the Loss Evaluation of Post-Wall Waveguides in Millimeter-Wave Bands","電子情報通信学会総合大会","電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集","電子情報通信学会",,,,2010,Mar. "Huong TRAN,Yuanfeng SHE,Jiro HIROKAWA,Kimio SAKURAI,Yoshinori KOGAMI,Makoto ANDO","Evaluation of Effective Conductivity of Copper-Clad Dielectric Laminate Substrates in Millimeter-Wave Bands Using Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators",,"IEICE Trans. Electron",,"Vol. E92-C","No. 12","pp. 1504-1511",2009,Dec. "Yuanfeng SHE,Jiro HIROKAWA,Makoto ANDO","Loss Evaluation of Post-Wall Waveguides and its Effect on Antenna Efficiency in Millimeter-Wave Bands","Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference","Proc. of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference",,,,,2009,Dec. "Huong Tran,Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Kimio Sakurai,Yoshinori Kogami,Makoto Ando","Evaluation of Effective Conductivity of Copper-clad Dielectric Substrates in Millimeter-Wave Band","Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT","Proc. of Triangle Symposium on Advanced ICT",,,,"pp. 95-100",2009,Oct. "Yuanfeng She,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Millimeter-Wave Transmission-Loss Evaluation of Microstrip Lines and Post-Wall Waveguides and Effects on Efficiency of Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Arrays","IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting","Proc. of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting",,,,,2009,June "Yuanfeng SHE,Thi Huong TRAN,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Millimeter-Wave Band Evaluation of Transmission Loss and its Effects on Antenna Efficiency in Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Arrays",,"信学技報",,,,"pp. 75-80",2009,May "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Prediction of Transmission Losses in Microstrip Lines and Post-wall Waveguides in Various Frequency Bands by using Effective Conductivity and Complex Permittivity obtained by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Technique","IEICE General Conf.","Proc. of IEICE General Conf.",,,,,2009,Mar. "Yuanfeng She,Tran Thi Huong,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Millimeter-Wave Band Evaluation of Microstrip-Line Transmission Losses using Effective Conductivity Measured by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator,","INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION","Proc. of INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION",,,,,2008,Oct. "Yuanfeng She,Huong Tran,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Confirmation of Effective Conductivity Measured by a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator in the Millimeter-Wave Band by Microstrip-Line Transmission Losses Evaluation","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集",,,,,2008,Sept.