"Shasha Li,Shinsuke Miyajima","Demonstration of Excellent Crystalline Silicon Surface Passivation (S < 1.27?cm?s|1) by High-Rate DC-Sputtered Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon",,"Solar RRL",,,,,2024,Feb. "Shasha Li,Shinsuke Miyajima","(Area5 5TuO5-3) Impact of DC Power on Passivation Quality of Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon Deposited by Facing Target Sputtering","The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Shasha Li,Yasushi Kawaguchi,Shinsuke Miyajima","(5ThP.21) Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contacts Using Sputtered Amorphous Silicon and Spin-On-Doping","The 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Noboru Yamaguchi,Shasha Li,Shinsuke Miyajima","Characterization of tunnel oxide passivated contact fabricated by sputtering and ion implantation technique",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",," 62",," SK1024",2023,Apr. "ShaSha Li,Shinsuke Miyajima","[17a-PA05-5] Optimization of 2-step deposition process of i-a-Si:H passivation layer deposited by facing target sputtering","The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,Mar.