"Emiko Fukuda,Yoshio Kamijo,Ai Takeuchi,Michiharu Masui,Yukihiko Funaki","Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Performance of Keyword Auction Mechanisms",,"The RAND Journal of economics",,"Vol. 44","No. 3","pp. 438-461",2013,Sept. "Masui M,Ohtaka T,Shimomura K,Takahashi, K,Takehiko Yamato","Market Equilibrium and the Core of Discrete Exchange Economies,",,"Discussion Paper Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,,2012, "Emiko Fukuda, Yoshio Kamijo, Ai Takeuchi, Michiharu Masui and Yukihiko Funaki","Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Performance of Keyword Auction Mechanisms","2010 Japan Economic Association Spring Meeting",,,,,,2010,June "Emiko Fukuda, Yoshio Kamijo, Ai Takeuchi, Michiharu Masui and Yukihiko Funaki","Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Performance of Keyword Auction Mechanisms,","the Sixth Ad Auctions Workshop",,,,,,2010,June "Michiharu Masui, Ken-Ichi Shimomura, Takehiko Yamato","Discrete Exchange Economies: Numerical Simulation and Experiment","日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 2010年春季研究発表会",,,,,,2010,Mar. "Michiharu Masui","Strategy and behavior of bounded rational players in repeated games","The Sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis",,,,,,2009,Mar. "舛井道晴","繰り返しゲームにおける限定合理的なプレイヤーの戦略に関する研究","電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理",,,,,,2009,Mar. "Michiharu Masui","Reference Points of bidders in Generalized Second Price Auction : A Computer Simulation Experiment","Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Michiharu Masui","Reference Points in Generalized Second Price Auction : A Computer Simulation Experiment","Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society",,,,,,2008,July "舛井道晴","インターネット広告と検索連動型広告オークション","日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会創立50周年記念行事SSOR",,,,,,2007,Aug.