"Seongtak OH,Hongmei LI,Fagang GAO,Hirotoyo NAKASHIMA,Satoru KOBAYASHI,Masao TAKEYAMA","Effect of Zr on the Precipitation Kinetics of Fe2Nb (TCP) and Ni3Nb (GCP) in Novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","耐熱金属材料第123委員会設立60周年記念国際シンポジウム","耐熱金属材料第123委員会設立60周年記念シンポジウム研究報告(設立60周年記念特別号)","日本学術振興会","Vol. 58","No. 3","pp. 365-366",2017,Nov. "Seongtak Oh,Hongmei Li,Fagang Gao,Hirotoyo Nakashima,Satoru Kobayashi,Masao Takeyama","Effect of Alloying Elements on the Formation of Fe2Nb-TCP and Ni3Nb-GCP Phases in Novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","日本鉄鋼協会第174回秋季講演大会","材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集","日本鉄鋼協会","Vol. 30","No. 2","p. 47",2017,Sept. "Li Hongmei,Fagang Gao,Kobayashi Satoru,Takeyama Masao","Effect of Ti Addition on Precipitation of Fe2Nb (TCP) and Ni3Nb (GCP) Phases in Fe-20Cr-35Ni-2.5Nb Based Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会11月期研究会","日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告","日本学術振興会","Vol. 56","No. 3","pp. 121-130",2016,Nov. "Fagang Gao,Satoru Kobayashi,Masao Takeyama","Nb Supersaturation for Grain Boundary Precipitation of Fe2 Nb Laves Phase under γ/Fe2Nb/Ni3Nb Three-Phase Equilibrium in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","2016 MRS FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT","2016 MRS FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT PROGRAM & EXHIBIT GUIDE","MRS",,,"p. 243",2016,Nov. "Masao Takeyama,Fagang Gao,Satoru Kobayashi","Design Apporaches and Creep Strengthning Mechanism of Novel Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels Applicable for Power Plants at 1073K","EPRI(8th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants)","EPRI Abstract","Electric Power Research Institute",,,"p. 2",2016,Oct. "Fagang Gao","Precipitation Kinetics and Microstructure Control of Fe2Nb Laves Phase on Grain Boundaries in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Quaternary Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Fagang Gao","Precipitation Kinetics and Microstructure Control of Fe2Nb Laves Phase on Grain Boundaries in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Quaternary Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Fagang Gao","Precipitation Kinetics and Microstructure Control of Fe2Nb Laves Phase on Grain Boundaries in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Quaternary Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Fagang Gao","Precipitation Kinetics and Microstructure Control of Fe2Nb Laves Phase on Grain Boundaries in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Quaternary Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,Satoru Kobayashi,Masao Takeyama","3D Observation of Grain Boundary Precipitation of Fe2Nb Laves Phase in a Novel Austenitic Heat Resistant Steel Fe-20Cr-35Ni-2.5Nb","The 1st International Conference on Advanced High-Temperature Materials Technology for Sustainable andReliable Power Engineering (123HiMAT-2015)","Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on 123HiMAT","JSPS Report of the 123rd Committee on Heat Resisting Materaials and Alloys",,,"pp. 35-38",2016,Mar. "Hongmei Li,Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,Satoru Kobayashi,Masao Takeyama","Effect of Ti Addition on the Formation of Fe2Nb (TCP) and Ni3Nb (GCP) Phases in Fe-20Cr-35Ni-2.5Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steel at 1073K","The 1st International Conference on Advanced High-Temperature Materials Technology for Sustainable and Reliable Power Engineering(123HiMAT-2015)","JSPS Report of the 123rd Committee on Heat Resisting Materials and Alloys","JSPSof the 123rd Committee on Heat Resisting Materials and Alloys",,,"pp. 161-164",2016,Mar. "Fagang Gao,Kobayashi Satoru,Takeyama Masao","Precipitation Control of Grain-boundary Fe2Nb Laves Phase under γ/Fe2Nb/Ni3Nb Three-phase Equilibrium in Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会3月期研究会","日本学術振興会","日本学術振興会","Vol. 57","No. 1","pp. 1-12",2016,Mar. "Fagang Gao,Mari Yoshihara,Naoki Takata,Masao Takeyama","3D observation of grain boundary nucleation of Fe2Nb laves phase in novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb austenitic heat resistant steel by FIB-SEM","日本鉄鋼協会第169回春季講演大会","材料とプロセス","日本鉄鋼協会",,,,2015,Mar. "GAOFAGANG,小林 覚,高田 尚記,竹山 雅夫","TEM Observation of Nucleation of Grain Boundary Laves Phase in Novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","日本鉄鋼協会第168回秋季講演大会","材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集","日本鉄鋼協会","Vol. 27","No. 2","p. 857",2014,Sept. "Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,YOSHIHIRO TERADA,MASAO TAKEYAMA","Precipitation Kinetics and Morphology of Fe2Nb TCP Phase and Ni3Nb GCP Phase in Novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels at 1073 K","耐熱金属材料第123委員会3月期研究会","耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告","日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会","Vol. 54","No. 1","pp. 19-32",2013,Mar. "Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,Yoshihiro Terada,Masao Takeyama","Precipitation of Grain Boundary Fe2Nb Laves Phase at 1073K in Novel Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb Austenitic heat Resistant Steels","日本金属学会2013年春期講演大会","日本金属学会講演概要","公益社団法人日本金属学会",,,,2013,Mar. "Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,Yoshihiro Terada,Masao Takeyama","Design of Novel Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels Applicable for Further Advanced USC Power Plant at 800℃","The First International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science","Program of The First International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science","Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,"p. 9",2012,Dec. "Fagang Gao,Naoki Takata,Yoshihiro Terada,Masao Takeyama","Microstructure of Fe-Cr-Ni-Nb New Austenitic Steels Strengthened by Fe2Nb Phase for Further Advanced USC Power Plant at 1073K","The 4th Joint Symposium between the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Dalian University of Technology & Department of Metallurgy of Tokyo Institute of Technology","Abstract Book of the 4th Joint Symposium between the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Dalian University of Technology & Department of Metallurgy of Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,"pp. 25-27",2012,Sept. "F.G. Gao,Naoki Takata,Masao Takeyama","Precipitation Behavior of TCP and GCP Phases at 1073K in Novel Austenitic Heat Resistant Steels","日本鉄鋼協会学会第163回春季講演大会","材料とプロセス","社団法人日本鉄鋼協会","Vol. 25","No. 1",,2012,Mar.