"Dhimas Agung Kurniawan,Sylvia Leo,Mutsumi Inamatsu,Sohei Funaoka,Taichi Aihara,Mizuno Aiko,Inoue Rei,Takeshi Sakura,Hiroshi Arakawa,Yukio Kato,Tomoaki Matsugi,Katsuhiro Esashika,Nobuaki Shiraki,Shoen Kume,Kenta Shinha,Hiroshi Kimura,Masaki Nishikawa,Yasuyuki Sakai","Gut-liver microphysiological systems revealed potential crosstalk mechanism modulating drug metabolism",,"PNAS Nexus",,,,,2024,Feb. "Sylvia Leo,Yusuke Kato,Yumeng Wu,Mutsumi Yokota,Masato Koike,Shiro Yui,Kiichiro Tsuchiya,Nobuaki Shiraki,Shoen Kume","The effect of Vitamin D3 and Valproic Acid on the maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived enterocyte-like cells.",,"Stem Cells",,,,,2023,May "Leo Sylvia,Kato Yusuke,Wu Yumeng,Shiraki Nobuaki,Kume Shoen","The effect of Vitamin D3 and Valproic Acid on the maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived enterocyte-like cells","MBSJ2022",,,,,,2022,Nov. "萩本隆之介,LeoSylvia Han Yun,白木 伸明,粂 昭苑","吸収腸上皮細胞への分化を促進する低分子化合物のスクリーニング","第20回日本再生医療学会",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Leo Han Yun Sylvia","Elucidating the signaling pathways and effect of Valproic Acid on the differentiation of iPSC-derived enterocyte-like cells",,,,,,,, "Leo Sylvia Han Yun","Elucidating the signaling pathways and effect of Valproic Acid on the differentiation of iPSC-derived enterocyte-like cells",,,,,,,, "Leo Han Yun Sylvia","Elucidating the signaling pathways and effect of Valproic Acid on the differentiation of iPSC-derived enterocyte-like cells",,,,,,,,