"Hayato Sekiya,Toshihiro Isobe,Akira Nakajima,Sachiko Matsushita","Can CuFeS2 be used in a sensitized thermal cell?","Mater. Today Energy","Material Today Energy",,"Vol. 17"," 100469","pp. 100469",2020,Sept. "Hayato Sekiya,Toshihiro Isobe,Akira Nakajima,Sachiko Matsushita","Can CuFeS2 be used in a sensitized thermal cell?","Mater. Today Energy","Material Today Energy",,"Vol. 17"," 100469","pp. 100469",2020,Sept. "Sachiko Matsushita,Seiya Sugawara,Takumi Ikeda,Takuma Araki,Hayato Sekiya,Haruki Kohata,Toshihiro Isobe,Akira Nakajima","Fermi level dependence of a working electrode on the open circuit voltage in a sensitized thermal cell",,"Chem Lett",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1013-1016",2020,Apr. "Hayato Sekiya,Ikeda Takumi,Toshihiro Isobe,Akira Nakajima,Sachiko Matsushita","Electrolyte density dependence of Ge sensitized thermal cell`s battery characteristic","The 87th ECSJ Spring meeting",,,,,,2020,Mar.